Communication Between Customers Case Study Project Essay

Communication Between Customers Case Study Project
Order ID 53563633773
Type Essay
Writer Level Masters
Style APA
Sources/References 4
Perfect Number of Pages to Order 5-10 Pages
Description/Paper Instructions

Communication Between Customers Case Study Project


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Name of Working Professional – Huong-Soon Lim

Company or Institution of Working Professional – Longform by HBL Inc.

Job Title of Working Professional – Representative Director

Address of Working Professional – #706, Chorkor, Yanggam-myeon, Hazing’s, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 18628

Phone number of the Working Professional – +82-31-8059-2510

Date of the Interview – March 02, 2019

Name of the Student – Chang Bin Lim

Interview Questions

What is your role in the job you possess?

I am a representative director of Longform, which is lean solution system company.

What do the day to day responsibilities of the role look like??)

During the day, I work lots of things. First, I need to check the operating condition of a company, such as financial…etc. Second, I need to review and plan the materials for projects. Third, I need to communicate with employees and managers, which is really important for me because small trouble can be cause the distrust between employees and managers. In addition, I need to check the customers’ complaints and their information. Complaint can be our resource, so I always check with it.

What are the company’s values?

First, Trust of employees and managers through communication.

Second, Customer service through trust and responsibility.

I think communication between customers is one of the important things because it helps the company grow. In addition, Communication between employees and managers are important because it makes company culture more strongly.

What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?

First, personality

Second, responsibility

Third, harmonize with other employees through communication.

Fourth, expertise

I think personality is the most important during hiring an employee. Personality is related with responsibility and harmonize. It is able to find the expert easily, but it is hard to find a person who has great personality. For this reason, I think personality is the most important.

What is your favorite part about working at the company?

When a project was successfully completed, When I am able to give bonus to my employees. In addition, When I am able to see the company’s grow, I am happy.

What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

As the head of the company, it seems successful that the company is stable and strong without any conflict with employees. Also, the culture of a company that employees are satisfied with.

Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?

Without new developments at the time of transition to the fourth industry revolution, it is unable to survive. Our company sends employees to professional training center for the professionalism. They are able to learn accounting, design, and communication skills from the professional training center. In addition, our company require few hours of education from professional training center for promotion.

What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

Communication with employees is the most difficult part of the organization’s operation. You should always be careful because conflicts with employees can occur at any time. Also, new competitors in the industry, especially Chinese companies, are the most challenging part. They always bring low price of product. It makes us challenge.

Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for his role?

In my opinion, you might fit to overseas sales department. I don’t know you very well, since you are a business communication major, you seem to have no problem communicating with others. In addition, based on your career in resume, you will do a good job in overseas sales. Also, the personnel department is likely to match well.

What are the most useful skills you have found during your work experience?

Accounting, Management, Communication, Customer handling capability. These are the usefully skills. Also, it is not an ability, but it is most important not to be afraid to develop and do new things.

What are the most useful skills you have found during the communication with members of the company?

There are various communication skills, but I think it was good to talk with employees one-on-one and small group communication. It’s because employees can focus more, and they can come up with creative ideas.

What is the difficult part of your communication with your employees?

It seems to be a matter of money. It seems that there are difficulties in communicating with employees when they are not satisfied with their salary problems and improvement of treatment. Since the company is a small and medium-sized company, welfare improvement has not been achieved like a large corporation. It is often the case that employees are dissatisfied with such a problem.

What are the most important company’s value if you are joining the other company?

The future value of the company, the way the organization operates, communication way between employees and managers. These things are the most important company value if I am joining the other company.

Communication Between Customers Case Study Project Essay

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