Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation Essay

Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation


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The number of the question corresponds to the same-numbered
outcome at the beginning of the chapter.
1. The function of monocytes in immunity is related to their ability to
a. stimulate the production of T and B lymphocytes.
b. produce antibodies on exposure to foreign subAltered Immune Responses and Transplantationstances.
c. bind antigens and stimulate natural killer cell activation.
d. capture antigens by phagocytosis and present them to lymphocytes.
2. One function of cell-mediated immunity is
a. formation of antibodies.
b. activation of the complement system.
c. surveillance for malignant cell changes.
d. opsonization of antigens to allow phagocytosis by neutrophils.
3. The reason newborns are protected for the first 6 months of life
from bacterial infections is because of the maternal transmission of
a. IgG.
b. IgA.
c. IgM.
d. IgE.
4. In a type I hypersensitivity reaction the primary immunologic
disorder appears to be
a. binding of IgG to an antigen on a cell surface.
b. deposit of antigen-antibody complexes in small vessels.
c. release of cytokines used to interact with specific antigens.
d. release of chemical mediators from IgE-bound mast cells and
5. The nurse is alerted to possible anaphylactic shock immediately
after a patient has received intramuscular penicillin by the development of
a. edema and itching at the injection site.
b. sneezing and itching of the nose and eyes.
c. a wheal-and-flare reaction at the injection site.
d. chest tightness and production of thick sputum.
6. The nurse advises a friend who asks him to administer his allergy
shots that
a. it is illegal for nurses to administer injections outside of a
medical setting.
b. he is qualified to do it if the friend has epinephrine in an injectable syringe provided with his extract.
c. avoiding the allergens is a more effective way of controlling
allergies, and allergy shots are not usually effective.
d. immunotherapy should only be administered in a setting
where emergency equipment and drugs are available.

Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation Essay

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