ENMT 301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples Week 5 Discussion DQ1 Climate Change Research Explorer Essay

ENMT 301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples


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Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Climate Change Research Explorer

Climate change is a frequent topic in the news, of much political interest, and a major concern for societies around the globe. For this discussion, we will take a look at some of the data scientists compiled researching climate change.

Go back to the Climate Change Research Explorer you looked at this week.

Select one of the graphs/diagrams and describe and interpret the presented data. Be sure to address what exactly is measured (data measured/displayed), the temporal and spatial coverage of the data (units/time range), if there are any noticeable trends or anomalies, and what conclusions can be drawn from the data as it relates to climate change.

Please select data not previously covered by one of your classmates and post your response using the title of the graph/diagram you selected as header for your post.

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ENMT 301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples Week 5 Discussion DQ1 Climate Change Research Explorer Essay

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