Article Discussion Paper NUFS 144

Article Discussion Paper NUFS 144 50 points


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For this assignment you will find an article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today. You must choose a food culture outside of the U.S. You will then write a paper (2 pages minimum; double-spaced) that summarizes the article and discusses the internal and external pressures that are changing the food custom/culture and your conclusions. You may need to seek out other sources to dig deeper into the topic and answer all the rubric points. All sources must be cited in APA format in both a list at the end of the paper and in the body of the paper. Articles can be found in journals, good-quality magazines, and newspapers. If you have a question about the quality of the source, please send me a message to confirm that you can use it. Here’s an example of internal and external pressures for a fictitious topic/article: You find an article about rising saffron prices in India. External pressures (those outside of the country) might include decreased demand from other countries and global climate changes that have lowered crop yields. Internal pressures (those within the country) might include a decreasing number of saffron growers, civil war, or issues with infrastructure such as destroyed bridges or roads. See the rubric for a breakdown of points for this assignment. This assignment meets ​GELO 3.

NuFS 144, Food Culture, Spencer

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