Why Do I Choose to Study Accounting? Personal Statement Example

I have always known that I wanted to go to college, and early on I recognized that I was really good with numbers. I am very meticulous and I pay close attention to details. My parents and teachers have noticed these characteristics in me. Deciding to major in accounting was not a difficult decision for me.


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My mother had a big influence on the choice I made to major in accounting. My mother was an accountant in a bank for 20 years. As a child, I visited her often. Sometimes I would sit in her office and listen to mathematical lingo. Eventually, I began to learn more about the business and I really enjoyed. After my interest developed, my mother began to work with me in enhancing my skills. She taught me about bookkeeping and that really sparked my interest.  I learned early about the importance of spending money wisely. My parents would give me lunch money weekly. Nevertheless, I would spend it here and there and by the end of the week I didn’t have lunch money. Dealing with the hunger pains, I quickly learned to manage my money better. These are the events that led my mother to school me on bookkeeping and money saving. After that point, I never went hunger because I had misused my money during the week. As a matter of fact, I usually had money left over at the end of the month to deposit in the bank. Later, I decided to start making small investments.

I never imagined that I would be attending college in the United States.  However, my parents moved to the United States after retirement. My mother decided to open a small gift shop. I managed the monthly budget and did all the bookkeeping. Doing this job has prompted me to want to own my own business someday. I know that it is important to understand every aspect of the business in order to be a successful business owner. My mother and father always told me to pursue my dreams no matter how big they may have seemed. Education was a main priority to my parents. They also wanted me to pursue something that I enjoyed, not just a career that promised financial gain.  Working for my mom gave me hands on experience with all aspects running a business. This was a great experience for me because I know that being a business owner is not an easy task.

Even as a child, I was great with working with numbers. My teachers noticed that I was very good at math, and that I really enjoyed it; so, they would allow me to help other students when I finished my work. I did so well, that most times I would be allowed to work ahead of my classmates. This was very exciting to me and I didn’t mind doing homework. When other children would be playing outside, I would be doing my math work. I hated to be unable to find an answer, so sometimes I would work on one problem for hours. As a result, I took many advanced placement classes in mathematics in high school.  I realized that numbers played a great role in the world and were important outside of the classroom.  My mother would often add numbers in her head when we were shopping. I was so amazed that she could do that. Eventually, we would compete with each other to see who was closest to the actual amount.

My parents taught me that education is the most important decision I will ever make. Consequently, I know that I want to major in something that I enjoy doing. Being able to become an accountant would be a dream come true for me. Each day, I would not dread going to work, but look forward to it with excitement.  Pursuing this degree will ensure that I will be able to provide a good life for my family and hopefully instill in my children the importance of education.

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