The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, Research Paper Example



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Week 5 project encompasses  to a policy analysis interview with a senior healthcare administration nursing officer in the capacity of Chief Planning Executive Officer (CPEO) in my organization. The purpose of this interview was to communicate a very sensitive issue affecting maternal/child care in my obstetric nursing environment.  precisely it pertains to implementing an educational program to increase nurses’ knowledge awareness regarding efficient breastfeeding and lactation management practices.  My goal for this program is to achieve a ‘Baby Friendly’ designation. The interview lasted two hours and was conducted in the nursing leader’s office. The policy issue was fully addressed and this report gives a brief, but concise analysis of the proposed policy.

Description of policy issue

A brief recap of breast feeding practices in the past and emerging changes were entertained in the interview. It was mentioned that before technological developments and fads about how breast feeding spoils breast consistency or firmness, it was normal for any woman to breast feed her infant. The only exceptions were if she experienced puerperal complications and was unable to complete this maternal requirement. Some complications included breast abscesses. With the increased commercialization of infant formulas many leading state maternity hospitals instead of encouraging mothers to put their infants to the breast they are presented with cases of free formulas packed attractively with an artificial nipple for sucking (National council of state legislation, 2015).

Useful Data

Further it was discussed that the breast feeding report card indicator is a useful resource used to monitor breastfeeding adaptations in the country. Details regarding how current policies are addressing breast feeding in America are offered. Current data reveals that while breastfeeding rates are rising in the United States, it is without consistency. Seventy nine percent (79%) of newborn infants were introduced to breastfeed in 2011. A specific time frame was recommended to continue breast feeding, but polices were disregarded. Forty nine percent (49%) of all infants born in 2011  were breastfed for up to six at (6) months.  Twenty- seven percent (27%) continued to 12 months (Center for Disease Control, 2014).

In the interview it was emphasized  after examining the breast feeding report card data that professional lactation programs and not only mandatory  policy enforcement criteria  could enhance  compliance  with mothers’ duties.  Two reasons were advanced for the necessity of these programs. They are that these projects could initiate of breast feeding itself because nurses will be equipped with relevant skills to execute the breast feeding process. This is after prior sensitizing mothers before delivery towards early contact of the breast by infants (Center for Disease Control, 2014).

Current policy trends

In a similar program mothers could be encouraged to continue when the true benefits of breast feeding is explained to them personally. The value of breast feeding to new borns must effectively be communicated. The Women, Infant and Children (WIC) initiative has been conducting numerous breast feeding activities imparting knowledge to both parents regarding breast feeding protocols and usefulness (Center for Disease Control, 2014).

Currently, the amount of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) is being evaluated to determine their adequacy in servicing the per 1,000 live births in the population. This reporting began in 2006. In 2015 the report card revised its function to calculate the number of Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) per 1,000 live births also keeping a record of their availability to the breast feeding community. While there have been significant increases of both categories of breast feeding professions the supply remains limited as of 2014 with respect to the per 1,000 live birth population (Center for Disease Control, 2014).

Consequently, by implementing an educational program to increase nurses’ knowledge regarding effective breastfeeding and lactation management practices would make available supportive resources to supplement the inadequate supply of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) and Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs). The goal of my policy intervention is achieving ‘Baby Friendly designation.’  The two major policy issues here identified during my interview were initiation of breast feeding and continuance for the designated recommended period. After presenting useful data and displaying current trends pertaining to the breastfeeding situation in United States of America the interview ended.

Presentation of policy analysis

In this policy analysis presentation the eightfold pathway steps regarding breast feeding and lactation healthcare policy will be lavishly utilized. These steps encompass defining the problem, assembling some evidence, constructing alternatives; selecting the criteria, designing, project outcomes; confronting the tradeoffs; making decisions and telling my story. These eightfold policy analysis pathways were designed by Eugene Bardach (2011).

Defining the problem

The problem identified in the policy issue interview relates to breastfeeding, its initiation, continuation according to protocol and availability of breast feeding specialist to service the per 1,000 live birth population of infant and mothers requiring breast feeding support. Therefore, the problem can be defined as inadequacy of breast feeding support for mothers and infants.

Assembling some evidence

While individual states have their own breast feeding laws, many states struggle with maintaining breastfeeding programs applying current policies. As such, the America Academy of Physicians and Pediatric recommend breast feeding for at least the first year of life. The main reason is that breast feeding is healthier than formulas, which create numerous allergies for infants. Besides, the benefits of breast feeding are numerous. They include boosting the immune system of infants and children; preventing diarrhea and ear infections prevalent in non- breasting children.

Constructing alternatives

The proposed alternatives to shortage of breast feeding specialists are implementing an educational program to increase advanced nurses’ knowledge regarding effective breastfeeding and lactation management practices. With respect to initiating and maintaining breastfeeding for at least one year recommendations pertain to desisting from introducing formulas  and instead offer the breast after hospital or birth centers delivery. Policies ought to be designed preventing healthcare agencies from giving mothers numerous free formulas when they leave hospital

Selecting the criteria

The selected criteria is improving breast feeding acceptance by producing a ‘Baby Friendly designation.’ There are further 10 steps towards achieving a baby friendly designation (Goodman & DiFrisco, 2012).

Designing Project outcomes

The outcomes are as follows:

  • Creation of a written breast feeding policy, which is disseminated to mothers
  • Train health care experts and implement the policy
  • Educate mothers concerning breast feeding benefits.
  • Facilitate breast feeding initiation one hour after birth.
  • Teach mothers how to breastfeed.
  • Adoption of protocols that prevent infants receiving anything else, but breast milk during the first few days of life, unless otherwise medically indicated
  • Establish rooming in with mother and infant for 24 hours daily.
  • Establishing breast feeding on demand.
  • Achieving a mandatory no pacifier environment.
  • Creation of breast feeding support (Goodman & DiFrisco, 2012).

Confronting the tradeoffs

An obvious trade off, which must be confronted, is the competition with infant formulas and companies, which insist on marketing these products. Successful breast feeding requires effective lobbying to limit the amount of free infant formulas circulated to mothers. This means spending more time with mothers in the initiation of breastfeeding.

 Making decisions

Most current breast feeding polices do not adhere to the baby friendly designation protocols. Consequently, reform is necessary.

 Telling my story.

My story pertains to experiencing declining maternal and child health in the nation tto the extent of increased maternal and infant mortality at its highest level ever since the replacement of infant formulas with breastfeeding. Let social policy implement strategies to revert the maternal and child health crisis in the nation through effective breast feeding education and practices.


The foregoing presentation offered a comprehensive account ot a policy interview with a nurse administrator in the capacity of chief planning officer. We discussed implementing a breast feeding education for nurse that is intended to produce a baby friendly designation. The eight- fold steps were applied in analyzing the proposed policy.


Bardach, E. (2011). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving (4TH ed). CQ Press College

Center for Disease Control (2014). Breast feeding Report Card. Retrieved on September 28th, 2015 from

Goodman, K., & DiFrisco, E. (2012). Achieving baby-friendly designation: step-by-step. MCN  Am J Matern Child Nurs.37(3):146-52

National council of state legislation (2015). Breast feeding laws. Retrieved on September 28th, 2015 from

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