The role of protective adult relationships

The role of protective adult relationships


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The purpose of this research work is to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of in-depth relationships in human development, higher-order thinking skills, familiarity and engagement with educational research, and familiarity with and practice of basic scholarly and technical writing skills.

For this research work, you will read the assigned research article from a peer-reviewed journal (the article has been provided, please download). You will analyze the assigned article, once you have read the article for this assignment, you will provide a review, addressing the following:

• Problem: What is the problem that the researchers have identified? (What “hole” in previous research are they trying to fill?)

• Purpose: What is the purpose of the article? (Why are they doing this research? Hint: This will often be stated in the article as, “The purpose of this study was to…”)

• Background/previous research: What background information is provided? In other words, what has previous research found?

• Research performed: What did the researcher(s) do for this particular study?

o Who were the subjects?

o What were their demographics (age, ethnicity, gender, etc.)?

o What did the researcher(s) make the subjects do, and what did the researcher(s) measure?

• Findings/conclusions: What were the findings/conclusions of this research?

• Course connections: How does the information in this article connect to the 2111 course materials that we’ve studied so far?

o You must cite and reference the textbook for this.

Do NOT use quotations; you must paraphrase.

Each work in this assignment help should be at least two full pages (and no more than three pages), excluding cover sheet and references. The works should be written in doc format; in other words, do not list the questions with your answers. Works must be submitted only using Microsoft Word.

There is a “Word template” to help you write this work, (the Word Template has been provided, please download). It displays the site, which has the correct font, headings, and formatting. Your work must be formatted using:

• Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced

• 2-3 pages

• One-inch margins on all sides

• APA style for in-text citations and references

Writing assignments will be submitted to the appropriate dropbox and to, and you will be able to see your “Originality” report score.

NO PLAGIARISM, this will go through a plagiarism checker before I submit it and any plagiarism found will result in getting reported and receiving no payment.

Grading for this assignment will be as follows:

• Content (30 points)

• Problem (5 pts)

• Purpose (5 pts)

• Background/previous research (5 pts)

• Research performed (5 pts)

• Findings/conclusions (5 pts)

• Course connections (5 pts)

• Quality of writing and use of APA (10 points)


Following the guidelines specified on page 1 of this document, your first writing assignment will be to analyze the following article:

Brown, S. M., & Shillington, A. M. (2017). Childhood adversity and the risk of substance use

and delinquency: The role of protective adult relationships. Child Abuse & Neglect,

63211-221. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.006

(The formatted reference above is what you should list on your References page.)

In-text citations will look like this:

(Brown & Shillington, 2017)

The reference listing for the e-text should look like this:

[Insert chapter author’s last name and initials] (2017). [Insert title of chapter], in D.L.Winsor,

V.S. Murrell, & S. Magun-Jackson (Eds.) Lifespan development: An educational

psychology perspective (4th ed). (pp. xx-xx). Retrieved from

In-text citations will look like this: language and culture assignment help

(Chapter author last name, 2017)

If two-chapter authors, (Chapter author 1 last name & Chapter author 2 last name, 2017)

Week 3

Read the Insider Threat from the Department of Homeland Security and CISA: Insider Threat Mitigation

Find additional readings in this area about how to mitigate and assess insider threat concerns.

• What are your ideas on how to provide time to intervene and prevent an insider cyber attack?

• Find information about an insider attack, explain the attack, and did you agree or disagree with the actions? Were they justified?

Provide an original post. This post is to be a minimum of 500 words.

Week 4

Read: Innovative uses in Social Media

IS-0042: Social Media in Emergency Management

Does social media help or hinder emergency management/homeland security? In your responses, find samples and discuss your research with the class.

Provide an original post. This post is to be a minimum of 500 words.

Week 5

Read and discuss Meta-Leadership A Framework for Building Leadership Effectiveness

The importance of meta-leadership in COVID

• Do you agree or disagree with the framework previously built upon Meta-Leadership effectiveness and the response to COVID-19 based on cyber technology and distribution of the information from 2020? Why? If not, why not?

Provide an original post. This post is to be a minimum of 500 words.


500 or more words

APA 7th edition

Three or more citation

Three more reference


1. Due Date

Friday, October 22, 202111:59 PM

Points Possible


2. In this activity, you will compare and contrast the differences between the Q400 and A320 aircraft, providing a short description for at least two features. For example, describing the Fixed Oxygen System.

A320 Activity:

This activity covers the Q400 & A320 aircraft. Students will be required to compare and contrast the

differences between the Q400 and A320. Using the FAM, PowerPoint lessons, and notes put together a

table that lists ten (10) differences between the two aircraft. From those ten differences, pick two (2) to

elaborate on, providing a more detailed description. Submission must be made on Blackboard under the

“Assessments, Modes of Evaluation” tab. This assignment is worth 20% of final grade.

A320 Activity F21.docx

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