Aging & Systems Discussion Paper

Aging & Systems Discussion Paper


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For this scholarly paper, using reminiscence, you will examine the life experiences and development of an older adult through research you conduct and by utilizing course material. This research paper allows you to synthesize knowledge about human development in the macro environment. In the first half of the paper, you will examine the developmental experiences noted through your interview in comparison and contrast to what you have learned about this developmental stage. In the second half of the paper, utilizing a macro theory reviewed in the course, you will examine how a specific change or event in history, social policy or institution impacted and played a role in the person’s life, and how the selected theory helps understand the person’s behavior and experiences.

The interviewee must be aged 70 or older and someone who is well enough cognitively and emotionally to participate. The interviewee may be someone known to you or someone you meet for the purpose of this research assignment. You may visit a residential facility or a senior community center in search of a volunteer participant, but you may not go to a nursing home.

You will generate the interview questions based on your understanding of course material, which theoretical perspective you select and what type of information you hope to learn that will be applicable to the research paper. As you formulate your interview questions, keep in mind your interview should be conducted using reminiscence as a tool.

You will need to submit an audio recording or transcription of the interview. Assure you have permission to audio record the interview.

Your research paper will cover the following areas:

Provide an overview of who the person is, how the interview was conducted, and what daily life is like for the person.

What are this person’s developmental strengths and challenges?

How do these compare to normative patterns of aging?

What did the person discuss about their identity and what is meaningful for them?

How did this compare with the discussion on identity for this developmental stage?

Have there been or are there any differing abilities? How has this impacted the person’s development and identity?

Identify the macro theory selected. What are the central tenets, strengths and limitations of the theory?

What is the identified event or period of time?

How does the selected theory help you understand how the person has been impacted by the larger macro system?

This is an academically focused, research paper which must be written and cited in accordance with the Publication Manual (6th Ed.) of the American Psychological Association (APA). You should use a minimum of five scholarly reviewed sources, one of which will be your text. The remaining four must be peer-reviewed journal articles. You may also use as many additional, acceptable and reputable internet sources as well. You may not use first person language. The research paper must be in third person. In order to encourage critical thinking, there is not a required page number for this assignment. The paper will be graded on the student’s ability to respond to prompts thoroughly without being repetitive.

Conduct the interview. A written transcript of the interview must be submitted with the paper.

Can you please, summit a written transcript of the interview based on the paper you wrote? This is one of the requirement.

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Aging & Systems Paper

Aging & Systems Paper
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductory Information
4.0 pts


Introduction includes the location and format of the interview, and the student’s relationship with the older person.

2.0 pts


Introduction is missing some information.

0.0 pts


Paper did not include an introduction.


4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemographics
4.0 pts


Introduction includes demographics of the subject: age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, and living arrangements.

2.0 pts


Introduction is missing some demographic information.

0.0 pts


Introduction contained no or minimal demographic information.


4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMacro Theory Introduction
4.0 pts


Introduction clearly and succinctly presents the macro theory to be used to guide the paper.

2.0 pts


Introduction is vague about the macro theory to be used, or goes into too much detail for an introduction.

0.0 pts


Introduction did not introduce the macro theory to be used.


4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuotations
6.0 pts


Paper includes at least three direct quotes from the subject.

3.0 pts


Paper includes only two direct quotes from the subject.

0.0 pts


Paper includes zero or one quote from the subject.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDaily Life
4.0 pts


Paper clearly and succinctly describes the daily life for the subject.

2.0 pts


The description of the subject’s daily life is unclear or too long.

0.0 pts


Paper does not include a description of the daily life of the subject.


4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmental Strengths
6.0 pts


Paper clearly describes the subject’s developmental strengths and limitations.

3.0 pts


Description of the subject’s developmental strengths and limitations is unclear.

0.0 pts


Paper did not describe the subject’s developmental strengths and limitations.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReminiscence
6.0 pts


Paper clearly describes the reminiscence of the older person, including how the subject found meaning and identity.

3.0 pts


Description of the subject’s reminiscence was unclear, or did not include meaning or identity.

0.0 pts


Paper did not describe the reminiscence of the older person.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmental Norms
6.0 pts


Paper compares the experiences of the subject with normative patterns and existing research for this developmental level, clearly and with detail.

3.0 pts


Comparison of the subject’s experiences with developmental norms is unclear or lacks sufficient detail.

0.0 pts


Paper does not compare the subject’s experiences with developmental norms.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmental Norms References
6.0 pts


Paper includes at least two peer-reviewed references, published in the last 10 years, regarding normative developmental patterns. (Paraphrased and cited, not quoted.)

3.0 pts


Paper only includes one paraphrase from a peer-reviewed reference, published in the last 10 years, regarding normative developmental patterns.

0.0 pts


Paper does not include any paraphrase from a peer-reviewed reference, published in the last 10 years, regarding normative developmental patterns.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMacro Theory Detail
8.0 pts


Paper describes clearly and in detail one macro theory discussed in class or in the course readings (empowerment theory, feminist theory, conflict theory, structural-functionalism, or a systems theory.)

4.0 pts


Description of the macro theory used is unclear or lacks important details.

0.0 pts


Paper does not describe the details of the chosen macro theory (or does not include a macro theory).


8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMacro Theory References
6.0 pts


Paper includes at least two peer reviewed citations and references, regarding the macro theory described.

3.0 pts


Paper includes only one peer reviewed citation and reference, regarding the macro theory described. (Or paper references a source but does not cite it in the body of the paper.)

0.0 pts


Paper does not include any peer reviewed citations and references, regarding the macro theory described.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSystems Effects
6.0 pts


Paper describes how the subject has been impacted by larger systems in the environment, such as changes in history, policy, and social institutions. Including at least one example.

3.0 pts


Paper is unclear how the subject has been impacted by larger systems in the environment, or a specific example was not provided.

0.0 pts


Paper does not describe how the subject has been impacted by larger systems in the environment.


6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMacro Theory Application
8.0 pts


Paper clearly describes how chosen macro theory assists the student in understanding how the subject has been impacted by the larger systems in the environment (for example, their community, race/ethnicity, social class, organizations).

4.0 pts


Description of how the chosen macro theory assists the student in understanding how the subject has been impacted by the larger systems in the environment, is unclear or lacks detail.

0.0 pts


Paper does not describe how chosen macro theory assists the student in understanding how the subject has been impacted by the larger systems in the environment.


8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConfidentiality
8.0 pts


Paper contains no identifying information of any of the client.

0.0 pts


Paper contains identifying information of the client.


8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection
10.0 pts


Conclusion provides a clear and meaningful reflection on the experience, including what the student learned, what was surprising, and how this experience will impact the student’s career.

5.0 pts


Conclusion and reflection are unclear or lack sufficient detail.

0.0 pts


Conclusion does not contain a reflection, or the paper does not have a conclusion.


10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage Mechanics
4.0 pts


Paper is free of grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

2.0 pts


Paper contains 1-5 grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

0.0 pts


Paper contains 6 or more grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.


4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting
4.0 pts


Paper is formatted properly according to APA standards (double-spaced pages, title page, headings, page numbers, citations, references, all statements supported, etc.) with no errors.

2.0 pts


Paper contains 1-2 errors in APA formatting.

0.0 pts


Paper contains 3 or more errors in APA formatting.


4.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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