Assignment: PICOT Question on Depression in Teens ESSAY

Assignment: PICOT Question on Depression in Teens

Assignment: PICOT Question on Depression in Teens


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PICOT Question: Among depressed teens in the urban area, is the use of exercise therapy in comparison to bibliotherapy result in better disease remission within six months?
Research Tool Search Tips Search Terms & Limits Findings Features
CINAHL is an SU subscription-only resource that offers full text access to 336 scholarly journals and indexes over 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous  Look at the Major Subject Heading in the Full Record
 Use the Limits Feature:
o Example: Publication Type=Systematic Review
 Try the CINAHL Heading search:
Keyword search: Depression in teenagers, exercise therapy, bibliotherapy, depression remission.
Limits: Depressed adolescents in urban setting, health education for depression, major depressive disorder (Bailey et al., 2018).
CINAHL Heading search: Efficacy and acceptability of exercise therapy compared to bibliotherapy in the management of depression among adolescents.
Limits: Depression among teenagers, bibliotherapy for depression and anxiety in adolescents, exercise therapy for depression in children and adolescents (Yuan et al., 2018). No articles were found None
Search in this database did not display articles relevant to the study topics because it requires subscription. The charges are based on annual subscription which was not done prior to this study. However, it further indicates that the database cannot be accessed by non-active users implying that supplied articles are for sale. As such, the article can only be searched in future studies where relevant articles will be paid to assist in the acquisition of information.
PubMed is a free health science citation & abstracts index from the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
 Look at MeSH Terms in Full Record:
 Use the Limits Feature:
o Examples: Article Type=Meta-Analysis; Age=All Adult:
 Look for the open access Free articles!
Keyword search: bibliotherapy, young depression.

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Limits: DSM-IV-TR criteria, Depressed Adolescents Treated with Exercise (DATE)
MESH search: Mental disorders, psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, young, physical activity, self-help
Limits: depression remission, intervention, Children’s Depression Rating Scale – Revised, depressive disorder, vigorous exercise,

Assignment PICOT Question on Depression in Teens

psychosocial (Radovic, Gordon & Melvin, 2017). 20 study articles were found relevant to the PICOT clinical question The database provides a host of articles that are easily retrievable. Besides, the articles are free of charge hence facilitates decision on choosing the right article for various literature. However, not all articles displayed are up to date meaning that possibility of obsolete information is very high. Apparently, most of the articles published on the database are peer-reviewed with random controlled trials (RCTs) providing evidence of research on research materials.
Cochrane Library
Cochrane Library provides access to the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews. Full text of reviews are subscription only. Index summaries are a public resource. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous  Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features
 Allows you to search with MeSH Terms:
 Check out the New Reviews:
Browse reviews by topic:
Keyword search: Depression in teenagers, exercise therapy, bibliotherapy, depression remission.
Limits: Emotional health, symptoms of depression.
MESH search: Managing depression in adolescents, psychological techniques in managing depression.
Limits: Depressive symptoms, remission rates, depressive disorders, adherence, exercise, adolescents, energy expenditure. 1 article was retrieved from the search.
The material provide evidence on the benefit of non-medication interventions in the controlling depression (Radovic, Gordon & Melvin, 2017). Particularly, aerobic exercise improves clinical outcomes for depressed adolescents. The intervention also enhances response and remission rates in treating major depression in adolescents. The database only yielded one results related to the topic understudy. However, the findings establish a peer-reviewed article which provide evidence based practice regarding management of depression in teenagers.
• Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features
• Allows you to search with MeSH Terms
• Check out the New Reviews:
Browse reviews by topic Keyword search: Child depression, adolescent, antidepressive agents, dysthymic disorder, major depressive episodes (Yuan et al., 2018).
Also browse by: Google, Google Scholar.
20 articles relevant to the PICOT were found to guide on decision on management of depression in teenagers. Majority of the studies reported the use of bibliotherapy as approaches that incorporates written materials to address treatment of mental health problems in adolescents (Bailey et al., 2018). Besides, these studies indicated the advantages of bibliotherapy to include ease of use, low staffing demands, low cost and greater privacy. However, 5 articles reported the use of physical activity in addressing depression as the primary approaches in increasing the sleep patterns of the adolescents. In this approach, youths send more time in sleeping due to exhaustion as a remedy to depressive disorder. The database categorizes the keywords in specific headings which ensures accuracy of the information being searched. It further provide search options in order to obtain more articles related to the topic of study. However, the database serves a subsidiary of EBSCO and therefore search topics must be specific so as to obtain numerous results. The database also provides meta-analysis of the beneficial approaches in treating depression and elaborate well-defined clinical studies to confirm the outcomes from the therapeutic approaches. The database involves the selection of limited studies eligible for the PICOT clinical question and therefore minimizes potential publication bias.
TRIP Database
TRIP is a clinical search engine to locate publicly available clinical evidence.
 Limit to:
 Systematic Reviews
 Guidelines-US Keyword search: Depression in teenagers, exercise therapy, bibliotherapy, depression remission (Radovic, Gordon & Melvin, 2017).
Limits: Depression among teenagers, bibliotherapy for depression and anxiety in adolescents, exercise therapy for depression in children and adolescents.
The database established 8 articles related to the PICOT clinical question. Basically, the study findings addressed the nonpharmacological management of major depressive order in children. Findings affirm exercise therapy as the first step interventions for addressing acute-phase major depressive order in young adults (Yuan et al., 2018).
The other articles reported the external delivered interventions to manage depression and anxiety among children and young adults. Physical activity and psychotherapy were identified as the most important aspects in the management of depression among teenagers.
In primary care, physical exercise and physiotherapy are components of self-care management integral in addressing depression among young adults. The database provides quality research with indication on the type of article being searched. For example, in the database, articles are categorized as primary research, guidelines, ongoing clinical trials, evidence-based synopses and blogs. With this categorization, studies can be selected based on the requirement of the topic. Besides, most of the study articles displayed provide up to date studies with the oldest being those published in 2014 and the latest articles are those obtained in 2018.
SU Library Search • Library Search is setup just like an EBSCO:
• The Library even has a specialized PICOT search setup in Library Search—must go to Advance search to get to PICOT option: Causes of depression in adolescence (Bailey et al., 2018).
Recognition of depression among young adults.
Exercise as a treatment for adolescent depression. 13 articles were found on the database.
The materials addressed how depression manifest in children. Other aspects focus on the unrecognized depression among adolescents and why physical activity dramatically improves the lives of these population group (Radovic, Gordon & Melvin, 2017). Findings also indicate that physical exercise induces the release of feel good hormone which is potential in managing depressive syndromes among teenagers. SU library search provides a host of literature material on the topic under study. The search articles are available online to add to the literature on comparison between the effectiveness of physical exercise therapy and bibliotherapy for managing depression (Bailey et al., 2018). Apparently, the database contains articles with previews that can give a glimpse on the content therein hence enables selection of published research relevant to the topic of study.
Other Databases: None None None

Based on most of the searches, PICOT clinical question could not be fully defined. This was due to complexities in search results that had limited evidence. However, each of the databases contained abundant information that addressed depression management approaches for teenagers diagnosed with mental disorders (Radovic, Gordon & Melvin, 2017). Apparently, findings from each of the two articles failed to address the comparison between physical activity and bibliotherapy practices in the management of depression among adolescents. Guided by this argument, search heading was changed to efficacy and acceptability of exercise as a treatment option for adolescent depression when compared to bibliotherapy so as to identify articles relevant for the topic (Bailey et al., 2018). Conversely, SU Library Search, PubMed and TRIP databases had numerous published and easily accessible published articles compared to other database. On the other hand, Cochrane, CINHAL and Dynamed libraries were limited on the number of published articles with regard to the study topic. It meant that each of the databases could not be used independently to guide evidence on the implementation.
From the findings of the search materials, it is evident that physical activity improves remission in addressing depression among adolescents when compared to bibliotherapy. The magnitude of depression decrease when teenagers engage in group exercise when compared to participating in individual physical activity. This is supported by the premise that group physical activity improves socialization and during these engagements, the teenagers are likely to forget memories that predispose them to depression. However, future search materials need to incorporate studies on different types of physical activities that yields maximum outcomes in the management of depression among the youth.

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