Superheroes Role Models Assessment

Superheroes Role Models Assessment


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Superheroes as role models (must be a cartoon character)

Format and Word Count:

The student’s work should be a well-evidenced and documented research paper of around 1200 Words and is allocated 20 marks.


The Research Paper should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end of your Paper in addition to in- text citation as per the requirements of the Harvard Citation & Referencing Style. Proper referencing is a serious academic requirement and skill and will be rewarded accordingly.

Requirements and Guidelines:

1. Select the topic and narrow it down . The topic is “Superheroes as role models”.

2. Write your research question in relation to the selected broad research topic.

3. Collect related resources.

4. Use at least FIVE different resources to evidence your paper. Resources types

5. should vary to include at least THREE of the following:

· Online journal(s)

· Books (with one author/multiple authors)

· Articles in edited books

· Media resources (interview, series, documentary)

· Anthology

· Report

· an encyclopedia entry

· Forum

6. Use resources for in-text citation and referencing. You should be able to give direct quotations, paraphrasing as well as summarizing to evidence your argument. This should follow the Harvard in-text citation style.

7. Write a thesis statement that well reflects your research question.

8. Produce an edited and a proofread research paper of 1200 words.

9. Produce a List of References page following the Harvard Referencing Style.

10. Do not use the difficult words, you have to write for intermediate level or less.


The evaluation will be based on two main things:


Excellent answers showing confident and wide-ranging knowledge of core material, a good understanding of any relevant theory, and a capacity to address the question in a structural, direct, and effective way, thoughtfully and with insight. The originality of thought or ideas from outside the course is an added asset. Examples are to the point.


· Has an introduction defining plan of the essay.

· Body divided into several paragraphs

· Conclusion which directly relates arguments to the topic.

· Evidence that the essay has been edited.

· Error-free grammar & register.

· Wide range of specialized terminology.

· Consistent in-text citation and form of referencing.

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