Oedipus Rex Study Questions ESSAY

Oedipus Rex Study Questions


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In this final paper, you will write a thesis-driven, persuasive essay that addresses ONE of the topics below that are both quite creative and depend on re-contextualizing the original play with some other consideration. You will base your paper on your own close reading and interpretation of the Greek tragedy OEDIPUS REX, but also draw on at least TWO but no more than three outside sources from scholarly essays in BMCC’s databases (not from Google). You must use in-text citation and MLA Works Cited page for this paper. This paper should be approximately 4-5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font.

This paper may be done with a partner, or on your own. If done with a partner, you need to commit to working together and sharing the load, and communicate often outside of our class. You will write one DB post and one paper collaboratively, and you will get the same grade. Please let me know in an email or during a Zoom session if you are working with a partner from either section of the class.

The scheduled library lesson with Lane Glisson is very important to help you use the BMCC databases for your research. Section 1206 (Thursday class) will have the lesson on Nov. 18. Section 1207 (Tuesday) has the library lesson on Nov. 23. If you wish to attend the Nov. 18 section, you may, but make sure you use the Thursday link (in Blackboard).

You are required to post your first two paragraphs, essay outline, and citations for the two articles you will use on a Discussion Board 8 for five points (DUE MONDAY NOV. 29). You can also get feedback from the professor and classmates on this DB. The final graded essay is due on Tuesday, Dec. 14 NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED. OUR LAST ZOOM SESSION TOGETHER IS DEC. 7 OR 9. If you wish to meet with me after that, I will schedule a session on Friday, Dec. 10 to help with essay drafts.,

Take a major tragedy we are living with today, like COVID-19 or Climate Change, (or one of your choosing) and consider the aspects of how it impacts society, and the role of leaders and citizens, and think about the ways in which the public responds to that tragedy. Compare/contrast what makes an event or series of events a tragedy today, with what was seen as tragic in Sophocles’ time. Be specific about the details of the contemporary tragedy you pick, and also consider what actions and responses in the play Oedipus Rex (the fall of a great man)you consider as central to the tragic events in it. By our contemporary standards, argue whether or not the elements in Oedipus Rex still should be considered a tragedy. Say why or why not.
“Lighting, background changes, curtains, and sounds – the staple special effects in modern dramatic performance – were unavailable to the Greeks. Instead, all special effects had to be done through the script. Murder, sex, natural disasters, suicide, and battles all took place offstage; messengers then reported the results. Given the practical constraints, this was the only sensible way of doing business. Modern readers often desire to ‘see’ these important actions, as they are often the critical points in the tragedy. They take place off-stage not because of incompetence, but because of the limitations of the theater (“The Greek Theater: Evolution and Influence,” Classics/UPenn)

Write about the ways in which murder, sex, disasters, battles, predictions, and other key conflicts were conveyed in Oedipus Rex, and the effect of having MESSENGERS AND a CHORUS report/comment on events. Special effects that we take for granted today were also limited. Write about what you would do if you were staging a modern version of this play as the director. You have free reign to include any meeting, battle, confrontation, or murder on or off stage. Explain which dramatic actions and effects you would have happen in front of the audience, how you would stage them compared to the version we read/watched and why. What would the scenes look like in your version? What flashbacks would you stage, why and how? How would your choices possibly shift the audience’s understanding of the play? What would you want to illustrate that could make the play more powerful? Explain.

Oedipus Rex Study Questions ESSAY

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