American Psychological Association Critique Assignment

American Psychological Association Critique Assignment


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American Psychological Association Critique Assignment


Assignment Title

Signature Assignment – Critique, Submitted By:

Name of Student

PSYC 2301, Section 53002, Spring 2018



The abstract is written AFTER you have completed the entire paper, as it is a summary of what you have written. Beginning on the following page, please note that the words Introduction, Summary, and Critical Analysis are on the left margins and are in bold print. This is the one time you ARE allowed to use font effects (i.e., bolds), as in this instance you are using American Psychological Association (APA) (2010) style to call attention to section titles within the paper, the only section titles allowed for your paper are Introduction, Summary, and Critical Analysis, and those section titles must be in your narrative. Follow the directions under each section as to what information belongs in that location. Note that the Abstract is the ONLY paragraph in the entire document that is NOT first-line indented. Your Abstract paragraph is flush with the left margin of your page. Other than the title page and the title on page 3, and major headings, nothing in the paper is centered.

COMMENTS: This document is a TEMPLATE. That means you can highlight what is in this document, and type your own material over it. DO NOT USE THE ENTER KEY TO MOVE FROM ONE PARAGRAPH TO THE NEXT. USE THE FOUR ARROW KEYS ON THE KEYBOARD TO MANEUVER FROM ONE AREA OF THE DOCUMEN T TO THE NEXT. Using the arrow keys – ← ↑ → ↓ – will maintain the embedded formatting in this template, and you will not have to worry about losing points for incorrect formatting. Formatting correctly in APA Style constitutes 50% of your grade on all your assignments, so it is important that you get it done correctly …particularly since I am GIVING YOU a correctly formatted template for your use.

Assignment Title (Same as on Page 1)


American Psychological Association (APA) style is very formal, both in how we write and in how documents actually look on the printed page of the computer screen. APA does not sanction fonts that are fun or in any way unusual. You must use the font used in the template exclusively, everything in the entire paper is the same font and size, in this case Candara 12. Changing fonts and/or font size constitutes what APA calls font effects, and that is strictly prohibited in APA style. The introduction tells why the subject matter is important and should be six to eight sentences long, about half a page. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO USE DIRECT QUOTATIONS IN THIS CLASS, paraphrase, put the information in your own words. Any material you use in your work that is not your own original thought MUST be paraphrased, and you MUST CITE THE SOURCE(S) IMMEDIATELY within or at the end of the sentence. Failure to properly credit the source(s) of any material that is not your own, original idea constitutes plagiarism. Also your paper should not resemble another student’s papers and the papers are compared by Safe Assignment that looks at all submitted assignments, in the event two papers are nearly the same both individuals will receive low grades. Do not let other students see your paper for the purpose of copying it, you may proof or help each other with formatting but not with wording. Also do not use quotes, quotation marks, first or second person pronouns anywhere in your paper.


The summary is an in depth analysis of the paper. It will be the longest portion of your paper at least two to three full pages long. After having read the material for your assignment and thought about it, give me an overview of its contents. Tell me briefly what the topic of the assignment was. If your assignment is based on material reporting experiments, tell me what the research question(s) was (were) designed to find out and why the authors (and you) feel this topic is important. When reporting on experiments, you must include (1) how the sample was drawn, (2) the demographics of the sample (and thus, the target population), (3) the general geographic location of the study or experiment if provided (e.g., a large mid-Western University, an inner city high school in Chicago, Illinois, etc.), (4) ages and gender of the subjects, and (5) whether or not parental consent was required in order to assess this sample. To get a good grade you must cite materials pulled from the article frequently, there are two ways to put together a citation, one is a in context citation that is part of the sentence, Smith, Jones, and Williams (2016) reviewed the science of Star Trek. Another is called a parenthetical, this comes at the end of the sentence and is not a part of the sentence, but is placed before the period and refers to the preceding sentence (Smith, Jones, & Williams, 2012). CAREFULLY NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.

Further, when writing about an experiment, you must also indicate (6) what the hypotheses were (there is rarely only one hypothesis, so include them all), and (7) what the researchers expected to find. (8) Did the researchers satisfy the Principle of Falsifiability? Consult your notes on Critical Thinking to remember what this is. (9) State the findings (conclusions) and (10) whether or not they were consistent with what the researchers had anticipated. “Negative results” are all right …we do not always find what we hope to, but we DO report everything. Remember no quotes or quotation marks, no first or second person pronouns.

You do not have to explain statistics that are used, but you should explain the overall meaning. Define terms, etc. You only will be citing one paper in your article the paper you actually read, and it must be in your reference page also, any citations in the paper must be on the reference page, and references must be used as citations within the paper.

Critical Analysis

If you are writing a critiqué of a single article the last section of your critiqué is your opportunity to express your supported opinions on the article in question. These opinions should be supported by your reading and logic. Write in third person only. Writing in third person takes us back a step and removes our subjective opinion (i.e., your personal thoughts or opinions) in favour of an OBJECTIVE approach (spoken from the perspective of an uninvolved observer) by such statements as, “The researchers determined that a multiple regression analysis of the data was sufficient to assess the validity of the research methodology.” Third person makes you a reporter of the facts stated in the material you have read.

The last section of a critiqué in this class does solicit your opinion, but your opinion should be stated in third person with good grammar. You may include some of the information in a minimum of one page length analysis, do not do question and answer formatting, just discuss the topic in good, solid sentences.

  • Were you satisfied with the researchers’ findings?
  • Are there additional questions you would like to have seen them address in their hypotheses?
  • Did the findings leave you more or less interested in this topic?
  • Would you like to see this train of research – perhaps with additional questions (hypotheses) – addressed in future research efforts?

This is your rare opportunity to actually criticise what a research psychologist has done, so make the most of it. If you disagree with how the research was conducted, say so, and TELL ME WHY BASED ON THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD as discussed in lecture and your textbook.

  • Did the researchers violate the principles of scientific methodology in any way?
  • Did they fail to obtain proper consent?
  • Were scientific principles appropriately followed?

Such comments on your part show me that you have actually thought about the article you have read.

Do not write in bullet statements or question and answer format, your writing must be a narrative, and should flow in paragraphs from point to point.

If your assignment is a homework assignment or mini-paper, you will be reporting on what you have read in preparation for your assignment and responding to a series of questions based specifically on what you have read or reviewed. In this event, you will NOT use the subheadings – Summary, Review, and Comments – required when you do a critiqué. You will be writing what is termed a review of the literature on the topic assigned, and you simply tell me what you learned from your reading by answering the questions posed to you. ALWAYS cite your sources within the context of your narrative AND on your References page. NoodleTools as discussed in the lecture by Ms. Linda Baker will help you with these requirements. Failure to cite appropriately constitutes plagiarism, and you do NOT want to fall in to that trap. Remember that any citation in the context of your narrative MUST be documented on your References page(s), and any citation on your References page(s) MUST be supported by a citation within the context of your narrative. That means there is a one-to-one correlation between within context citations and the citations on your References page(s). The critical analysis should be at least a page long.

The last page of your assignment will be the References page. Go to the next page to see how that is presented. ALL work in APA Style is double-spaced. Section Headings are flush with the left margin and underlined. Your paper should be left justified, i.e., I do NOT want to see the paper with straight, right-hand margins such as you find in books, journals, or newspapers. Paragraphs are indented at the 0.5” level. If you utilise this template as instructed, all requisite formatting has been done for you, and your work will be in the correct APA style. Your assignments should not exceed ten (10) pages, and that includes (1) the cover sheet, (2) the Abstract page, (3) your narrative, 4 to 5 full pages. (4) your References page(s). Eight pages is the average length of the entire paper for this assignment. In response to the oft-asked question, “How long does my assignment have to be,” the answer is quite simple. “It must be as long as it takes you to adequately address the requirements of the assignment.”


Borden, C., Richardson, P., & Meyer, S. J. (2012). Establishing successful postsecondary academic programs: A practical guide. Journal of Correctional Education63(2), 6-26.

Boulard, G. (2009). The big squeeze: faced with dwindling funding, state colleges and universities are trying to come up with their own solutions to budget challenges. State Legislatures, (5), 12.

Cacciapaglia, H., Beauchamp, K., & Howells, G. (2004). Visibility of disability: Effect on willingness to interact. Rehabilitation Psychology49(2), 180-182.



The reference page is a page to itself, you should do a page break before the heading to make sure it is on a page by itself. Please note that the citations listed above are examples that would need to be cited within your paper. All citations must appear on the reference page, all must have been read by you and used in your paper, all references must be cited somewhere in the paper. References are listed alphabetically according to each article’s first author’s last name.

Hanging indentations are required on references: to get a hanging indentation, select the text of the reference, right click, select paragraph, under special using the drop down arrow select hanging, and make sure 0.5” appears in the box to the right.


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