Analyze a current event in international politics ESSAY

Analyze a current event in international politics


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Draw on news articles (from reputable sources) to analyze a current event in international politics (i.e., something that has occurred within the last 2 years) using the Prisoner’s dilemma. (The only exception is you cannot use compliance with an environmental treaty, Iran-US nuclear tech/sanctions issue, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Russia WTO bid –as they are the examples we are discussing in class.)
First, describe the basic situation of the case. Second, set it up using a prisoner’s dilemma analysis. Be sure to specifically highlight specifically why the Prisoner’s dilemma can help us to understand the situation, tying specific facts of the case to the PD situation. In doing so, be sure to highlight the central factors of the realist-neo-liberal institutionalist debate. Then, draw a prediction from the Prisoner’s dilemma about what “is likely” to occur in this situation. Compare this to the reality of the case. If the Prisoner’s dilemma prediction does not fit reality, present an argument about the relevant factors that are changing state behavior from the Prisoner’s dilemma world. If the Prisoner’s dilemma prediction does fit reality, present an argument about why factors highlighted by the neo-liberal institutionalists were not effective in bringing about cooperation.
All together, your analysis should be about 10-12 pages, 12pt font, double-spaced. You will be graded on how well you have applied the PD to your case (backing up your argument with references), how well you analyze the realist-neo-liberal institutionalist theories and arguments, your in-depth discussion of the case you have chosen, and writing style. Part of the assignment is identifying a case that fits a PD situation on your own, so we cannot answer questions about whether or not “this is a good case”. If you can present the case as a PD, then it is a fine case to use.

Analyze a current event in international politics ESSAY

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