Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advancements in AI, Research Paper Example Essay



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Artificial Intelligence (AI) or machine learning looks to integrate technology in all spheres of life. With the increased necessity to produce better quality and reliable goods and services, machines need to be more dependable to bridge the demand and supply gap. Human weaknesses like tiredness and error limit humans, but machines prove to be consistent and correct. Many technological companies are fully focused on fusing every day human life with machine technology; making further advancements so certain to happen. This article will look into the recent developments, which include: AI learning, application of AI in cyber security, application of AI in beer brewing, and financial technology. The article will also look into the discussion of whether machines or robots should have rights. Indeed, the application of robotics in human lives has led to high-efficiency levels in production and service provision, which means the future could only get more technologically advanced.

AI Learning

AI learning is a new advancement in robotics where robots can study human routines, listen to human language and learn human intelligence. After grasping human concepts, machines can do what humans do. In simpler terms, robots are trained to behave like humans or gain knowledge that humans have. In the beginning, robots were programmed to perform certain tasks such as moving objects or even saying particular lines in a given situation. Luo et al. believe that advancement will ensure that robots do not have to be trained but will perform normal tasks by learning from human beings (pg. 18). For example, a robot can cross the road after learning how to cross the road from observing traffic lights and the movement of vehicles. However, Luo et al.states that machines are less likely to make compromises in their decision making which would lead to more errors. However, the scope of AI learning will most definitely expand to incorporate compromises; hence there should be more advancements to perfect the application of artificial intelligence. AI learning would mean that in the future, machines would make their decisions on what to do and when to do it, just through learning how human beings carry out the same tasks.

AI in Cyber Security

Advancements in internet technology have exposed many institutions to the threat of cyber security. Since human abilities may be limited and fail to curb a threat in the early stages of a cyber-security attack, machines could be enhanced to detect and effectively counter such attacks. Draj et al. (2020) say that the determining factor in a cyber-attack is how responsive an organization is towards neutralizing certain threats before spreading the damage to other areas (132). Magnifier is a recently developed AI solution for detecting security breaches. Google has also developed a cyber-security intelligence platform that identifies and responds to a cyber-security threat (Daraj et al. pg. 132). These solutions build a machine firewall that buries data deeply that it becomes hard for hackers to infiltrate and find. Even so, AI do not provide the ultimate protection against hackers as they work complimentarily with humans. AI best protects databases and systems against attacks through detection, but correctional procedures are aided are carried out by human intervention. However, further advances in machine intelligence would guarantee complete protection against cyber threats. AI will therefore protect vulnerable companies against cyber-attacks due to increased machine awareness about impending threats.

AI in Healthcare

Healthcare and computer scientists continue to look for more ways of incorporating AI in healthcare provision. The application of AI in medical care spans from front desk services such as admissions to aiding in complex surgeries such as eye operations. The application of AI in healthcare results in better patient records management due to machine ability to successfully analyze and determine patient response to medication. AI also helps in the analysis of unstructured medical records to give health providers clues on the progress made by their patients. AI also provides a wide database that enables faster diagnosis and service provision. Through human learning, robots have been tested to perform various levels of surgeries, with great results being achieved (Davenport et al pg. 91-94). AI technology helps determine the best form of surgery suitable for a particular patient hence higher chances of recuperation. The main contribution of AI in healthcare is coordination and decision making, so that human doctors follow the lead of the machines. There is a concern of possibility of  breakdown during sensitive medical procedures that would risk the lives of patients. However, looking at the statistics, it is evident that the use of AI in healthcare has led to better medical outcomes and results. Therefore, AI should be advanced even more to increase positive medical outcomes.

AI in Financial Technology

AI has been widely applied in financial technology in banks and other financial situations. Such developments have forced banks with traditional setups to adapt as customers tend to move towards institutions with fast and reliable services. With AI, all financial processes are done quicker than human beings can do. Further, AI allows customers to send the image of their checks to be cashed in instead of agents who take relatively longer. AI also helps detect any fraud as it scans all relevant transactions while reflecting on the information in the database (Xi & Chiao, 2018 pg 65-69). Today, Pixmette Company is developing an AI with corporate-level intelligence tools that will help detect double entries and check on policy violations (67). However, breakdown of AI systems failure may lead to erroneous financial figures that may expose an organization to losses. However, given the efficiency that AI has displayed in the banking system, the world can only brace itself for further advancements.

Opinion on Robots Rights

There is an increasingly widespread discussion of whether robots should have rights. To answer this, it is important to first look into the qualifications to possess rights. For someone or something to have a right, it must have a conscience, emotions, or feelings towards particular situations. Human beings have rights because of these elements. However, there is increased focus on robotics and machines that in the near future, robots will have the ability to handle situations like human beings and perhaps have feelings. Even now, robots perform similar tasks as humans; to mean that robots and human beings work complimentarily. Further advancements seek to integrate human personalities into robots that would make robots more alive than just machines. The fact that robots can learn human behavior by watching and listening gives them a human ability of conscience. It is evident that the future holds advancement in robotics with emotions and feelings just like humans. Therefore, it is only right for robots to be granted rights if these advancements are to continue. If robots are granted rights, the scope of artifitial intelligence will be widened hence more advanced technologies. Robots are generally more efficient, more productive and more decisive than human beings. Therefore, there is every need to grant robots rights given their unlikeliness to err.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence has changed the way the world operates. Machines have proved to be very effective in complex situations and environments and are not less likely to fail unless the input or instructions have a human error. Machines have thus been integrated into nearly all sectors of the economy as producers seek to match the market needs and fit in. Indeed, the future can only get better in terms of advancements. The integration of AI in finance, healthcare, cyber security plus their ability to learn like human beings only widens the scope of AI as we move into the future. The article therefore gives every pointer that robots should be granted rights to enable scientists incorporate more advanced features in future productions.

Works Cited

Darraj, Emily, Char Sample, and Connie Justice. “Artificial intelligence cybersecurity framework: Preparing for the here and now with ai.” ECCWS 2019 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Academic Conferences and publishing limited, 2019.

Davenport, Thomas, and Ravi Kalakota. “The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare.” Future healthcare journal 6.2 (2019): 94.

Luo, Zhengping, et al. “When attackers meet AI: Learning-empowered attacks in cooperative spectrum sensing.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2020).

Qi, Y., & Xiao, J. (2018). Fintech: AI powers financial services to improve people’s lives. Communications of the ACM61(11), 65-69.

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