Assignment: Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) ESSAY

Assignment: Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

Assignment: Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)


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Question 1

Babies diagnosed with IUGR have significant health risks. One of them is low birth weight. The restricted growth implies that the fetus will be small for its gestation. The restriction in growth also increases premature births as well as hypoglycemia. Premature births occur due to issues related to placental insufficiency. Low level of blood glucose is attributed to organ prematurity. Babies also are also at a risk of developing hypothermia due to prematurity of the thermoregulation centers as well as organs of temperature control. The babies are also prone to infections due to their poorly developed immune system (Marcondes et al., 2019). Therefore, IUGR predisposes the babies to significant health problems.

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Midwifery care provided to mothers with a diagnosis of IUGR is multifaceted. It includes the provision of emotional and psychological care to them. Mothers often experience stress, shock, and pain with the diagnosis due to the shattering of their positive expectations.

Assignment Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

Midwives also provide health education on the care that is needed during antenatal and post-natal period. They educate mothers on the possible outcomes and modes of delivery that can be utilized for better results. Midwives also request for additional investigations such as Doppler velocities and ultrasound for biophysical profile to determine the status of the developing fetus. The midwives also ensure appropriate treatments are initiated and adhered by the mothers (Sharma Shastri & Sharma, 2016). They also educate on the ways of preventing IUGR in future pregnancies for healthier families.

Question 3

I think depression has a role to play in the development of IUGR. The risk is attributed to the existence of a correlation between depression and oligohydramnios, preterm labor, and reduced placental perfusion in third trimester (Sabri & Nabel, 2015). There is also slowed fetal growth as evidenced by negative fetal-growth trajectories in depression (Pinto et al., 2017). Therefore, while depression does not cause IUGR directly, it increases its risks among the babies.

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Assignment: Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) ESSAY

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