Assignment: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks ESSAY

Assignment: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks

Assignment: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks


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The study selected revolves around breast cancer.  Jaeger et al., (2017) executed research whose aim was to assess potential discordance of HER2 status between primary and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). HER2 is a principal therapeutic target in breast cancer. Nevertheless, the metastatic selection process can make the primary tumor and circulating tumor cells get a differing HER2 status. The study, therefore, assessed the HER2 status of CTCs in patients who were diagnosed with HER2-positive primary breast cancer. Evaluating how HER2 expressed itself during disease progression was necessary to aid in therapy adjustment to the current tumor status. After their research, Jaeger et al., (2017) realized that during early breast cancer, discordance between the HER2 expression of CTCs and the primary tumor occurred frequently. The authors recommended a future follow-up evaluation to find out whether the discrepancy can be linked to trastuzumab resistance.

The study by Jaeger et al., (2017) is T2 research.  The research was a phase 3 clinical trial that assessed how breast cancer progression affects the expression of CTCs among patients using HER2 therapy. The T2 research was applicable to the study because it was an ongoing trial that was evaluating the phenotype and molecular characterization of CTCs. The research was also necessary to aid in decision making for individualized treatment and targeted drug development.

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Translational research is essential in cancer studies because it offers a tailored approach for each cancer type (Berns, 2019). It can help

Assignment Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks

in designing treatments that target specific alterations that drive tumor development in individual patients. Translations research helps in informing clinical practice and trials and it combines clinical information with basic research findings which is the best way of handling and beating cancer.

Topic 1: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks

Discussion 1

In your own words, define translational research and how it connects to your role, either individually or in collective practice. Describe how you might use it in your current or anticipated future setting.

Discussion 2

Using the GCU Library (notably the GCU Library: Nursing and Health Sciences Research Guide), find a database, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research. Select a population health problem or issue of interest from the available studies. What type of translational research is used for the study? Provide rationale as to why this is the best type of translational research is best for the study, and explain why translational research is the most appropriate approach for this problem or population.

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Assignment: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks ESSAY

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