BCO 213 Human Resources Management ESSAY

BCO 213 Human Resources Management Resit


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Task – Resit Essay Assessment: Please answer all three questions below

1) Evaluate the three different structures which can shape an organization. (35%) 2) What differentiates training from development and what are the challenges facing both? (35%) 3) Herzberg’s Two Way Theory referred to hygiene factors and motivational drivers. What do they signify and what was the underlying concept of his

thinking? (30%) .


• Wordcount: 2,000 words • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount. • Font: Arial 12 pts. • Text alignment: Justified. • The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Learning Outcomes

To express critical thinking and understanding across essential components of Human Resources.


Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69 Knowledge &

Understanding (20%)

Student demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and mentions some relevant concepts and demonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the task and provides minimum theory and/or some use of vocabulary.

Student understands the task and attempts to answer the question but does not mention key concepts or uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.

Application (30%) Student applies fully relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies mostly relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies some relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstanding may be evident.

Student applies little relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstands are evident.

Critical Thinking (30%)

Student critically assesses in excellent ways, drawing outstanding conclusions from relevant authors.

Student critically assesses in good ways, drawing conclusions from relevant authors and references.

Student provides some insights but stays on the surface of the topic. References may not be relevant.

Student makes little or none critical thinking insights, does not quote appropriate authors, and does not provide valid sources.

Communication (20%)

Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck

Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck

Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. It may be slightly over or under the wordcount limit. Some misspelling errors may be evident.

Student communicates their ideas in a somewhat unclear and unconcise way. Does not reach or does exceed wordcount excessively and misspelling errors are evident.

BCO 213 Human Resources Management ESSAY

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