biblical integration Case Study Paper

biblical integration Case Study Paper


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Type Essay
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Style APA
Sources/References 4
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Description/Paper Instructions

biblical integration Case Study Paper

Case Study Paper Instructions

The Case Study Paper must be at least 900 words (not including the title and reference pages), double-spaced, and in current APA format. Please note that the stated word count is a minimum. Therefore, you are encouraged to ensure that you have thoroughly researched and responded to each question/prompt provided below. Each assignment must include a title page and a references page. Use at least 4 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years), the course textbook, and biblical integration.

This case study is focused on how 2 different companies use total rewards to support the organization’s missions and values and achieve strategic outcomes. Select only 1 of the companies as the basis for your case study response. (This is not meant to be a comparison of the companies, but an exploration of how 2 different companies use their compensation and benefits structures to achieve organizational outcomes). The paper must specifically address the following areas:

  • How the company uses its own products or services to enhance the total compensation for its employees;
  • The internal and external strengths and weaknesses identified and how the company responded to these factors from a total rewards perspective;
  • Examples of traditional and non-traditional rewards and how they are used to meet organizational objectives;
  • How the company aligns its benefits with its corporate values; and
  • Recommendations regarding an expansion of the benefits programs offered at the company that would further align HR with the accomplishment of organizational goals and values.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 6.

biblical integration Case Study Paper

Case Study Paper Instructions

The Case Study Paper must be at least 900 words (not including the title and reference pages), double-spaced, and in current APA format. Please note that the stated word count is a minimum. Therefore, you are encouraged to ensure that you have thoroughly researched and responded to each question/prompt provided below. Each assignment must include a title page and a references page. Use at least 4 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years), the course textbook, and biblical integration.

This case study is focused on how 2 different companies use total rewards to support the organization’s missions and values and achieve strategic outcomes. Select only 1 of the companies as the basis for your case study response. (This is not meant to be a comparison of the companies, but an exploration of how 2 different companies use their compensation and benefits structures to achieve organizational outcomes). The paper must specifically address the following areas:

  • How the company uses its own products or services to enhance the total compensation for its employees;
  • The internal and external strengths and weaknesses identified and how the company responded to these factors from a total rewards perspective;
  • Examples of traditional and non-traditional rewards and how they are used to meet organizational objectives;
  • How the company aligns its benefits with its corporate values; and
  • Recommendations regarding an expansion of the benefits programs offered at the company that would further align HR with the accomplishment of organizational goals and values.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 6.

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