CEFS 510 Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders

CEFS 510 Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders


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Order ID 53563633773
Type Essay
Writer Level Masters
Style APA
Sources/References 4
Perfect Number of Pages to Order 5-10 Pages
Description/Paper Instructions

CEFS 510 Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders

Counseling Project: Case Summary and Presenting Problems Instructions

You will develop a 4–6 page Case Summary and Presenting Problems paper about a fictional character. Current APA format must be followed throughout the paper, and only third person should be used. Follow the rules listed below:

  1. The client must not be a real person, but someone portrayed in television, a movie, literature, etc. No cartoon characters are acceptable. Real and presently living people WILL NOT be accepted for grading.
  2. The client must be an adult (age 21 or older) since the theories you will write about are mainly directed towards adults.
  3. The following problems/disorders are not allowed to be used due to the limitations of the theories as they are being taught in this course (future courses will go into greater detail on these topics):
  • Suicidal and self-harming thoughts or behaviors
  • Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders
  • Sexual Abuse/Trauma

This paper must be written with the fictional character as the “client,” and you as the treating therapist (use the Case Summary of Helen from Module/Week 1 as an example). This summary will be the basis for your Conceptualization and Treatment Plans 1 and 2 that you will develop later in the course. Your paper will have 2 sections: Client History and Presenting Problems (show these as level 1 headings).

Title Page

Refer to your current APA manual for directions on formatting a title page. Include a running head, page number, paper title, your name, and the institution name (Liberty University). No abstract is required for this short paper.

Client History (1–2 pages)

Introduce your client to the reader over several paragraphs: Where can this client be found (television, movie, book, etc.)? What makes this client interesting? What does the client “say” about his/her life? How open do you believe the client will be to counseling? How can rapport be built with the client if he/she is hesitant about counseling? Remember to write in 3rd person.

Presenting Problems (1–2 pages)

This section addresses the following questions: Why is the client seeking counseling? What does the client say his/her problems are? What in the client’s life/background makes counseling a viable option for him/her? Use issues that you are aware of in your client’s life, but you can also fabricate some of the client history if there are not enough details provided in the fictional storyline.

This section must be at least 3 paragraphs and emphasize at least 3 problem areas for the client. For example, a client may have issues in personal functioning (depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.), relationships (spouse, children, parents, significant other, etc.), occupational functioning (trouble with boss, coworkers, unemployment, etc.) You may also address any problems the client may be experiencing with his or her spiritual health.

NOTE: It is okay if 2 of the 3 paragraphs focus on personal issues (e.g., depression, then anxiety), and the other paragraph is on a different type of problem, or even if all 3 paragraphs focus on 3 personal issues. Just be clear about what is going on with this client. You are not diagnosing the client, rather, you are just describing the problem/symptom the client may be experiencing. So, for example, “depression” describes a problem the client is experiencing but is not the same as a DSM diagnosis of “Major Depressive Disorder.”

Separate each problem area (e.g., Personal, Relationships) into a paragraph, using level 2 headings (flush left and bold).


If you use a fictional television, movie, or literature character, then you are allowed to use a website for this paper only. However, all citations and references must follow current APA format. NOTE: many students get the website citation format wrong, so make sure you look in the current APA manual to properly do these if you use them. It is your responsibility to have this manual and use it.

The Counseling Project: Case Summary and Presentating Problems is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) by Sunday of Module/Week 2.

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