CHDV 160  Approaches to Learning Self Regulation Domain Presentation

CHDV 160  Approaches to Learning Self Regulation Domain Presentation


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CHDV 160  Approaches to Learning Self Regulation Domain Presentation

This assignment is  for people that are familiar with early childhood development. For this Preschool assignment you will be conducting and  assessment on a  preschool child   age 3 years old  .For this assignment use the  DRDP PowerPoint Template to record the 1st of notes: Anecdotal record must be used for 1st set of notes 1 anecdotal note/document for each measure, in a total of 29 measures in the DRDP PPT template.  You are only doing the  1st set of notes  not  the 2nd set . You must include the 6 domains in  notes. You can make up a child or use your own child ,or a child that is 3 years old as you compose anecdotal recording.

Please identify the pages on the power point  where  you put your  Anecdotal records, and 1st set of notes 1 anecdotal note/document for each measure, in a total of 29 measures

Domains In the area of early childhood education, it includes physical development and health, literacy knowledge and skills, language development, social and emotional development, and mathematics knowledge and skills.

You are only doing the  1st set of notes not  the 2nd set .

Self regulation  domain Slides 4 ,5,6,and  7  have examples of how to do anecedol notes .  Please erase  the information from slides 4,5,6,and 7 and put in your notes. Also complete   the blank slides  put in your notes

Social emotional domain   slides 9,10,11, and 12  Also complete the blank slides  put in your notes  here.

Language and literacy  domain slides 14,15,16,17 ,18,19,20 Also complete   the blank slides  put in your notes  here.

English language development  slides 22,23,24,and 25 Also complete   the blank slides  put in your notes  here.

Cognition Including Math and Science Domain slides 27,28,29,30,31,32 Also complete   the blank slides  put in your notes  here.

Phyisical Development and Health slides  34,35,36,37,38, and 39 Also complete   the blank slides  put in your notes  here.

Your answers must be age and  developmentally appropriate for a 3 year old.

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