Diabetes in children aged 0-14 yrs
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Write My Essay For MeChoose (1) one childhood experience from the list provided below. This list has been generated from the Australian Institute of health and Welfare (2020) Australia’s Children report.
- Asthma in children aged 5-14
- Type 1 diabetes in children aged 0-14
- Brain cancer in children up to 14 years
- Anxiety disorders in children aged 5-14
- Dental decay in children over 12
- Overweight/Obesity in children 5-14
- School aged child living with an intellectual disability
- Children experiencing homelessness
- Low birthweight babies
- Children who are exposed to or a victim of family violence
After researching the prevalence of your chosen childhood experience, develop a brief hypothetical case study (200 words or so) about a child and their family highlighting the health care setting in which you (the nurse) meet the family; the case study helps to guide your essay and provide context for your reader.
To explore the impact of your chosen childhood experience on the child and their family in the case study you have developed, read widely and address the following prompts informed by contemporary and relevant developmental, nursing and family care theory:
- Outline the prevalence in Australia of the childhood experience chosen and highlight the short term, medium term and potential long term health outcomes/impact on the child
- Discuss the impact (protective or otherwise) of family, culture and environment on the identified health outcomes for children identified from prompt 1
- Explore the impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study, in light of their age/stage of development
- When you (the nurse) meet the family (as outlined in your case study) how might you engage therapeutically with the child and family? Outline age/development appropriate communication strategies that you could adopt to support child/family flourishing
- Based on the chosen childhood experience selected and the case study specifics, provide two priority nursing actions/interventions with rationales, that would advocate for positive child/family health outcomes
This essay will be developed with an introduction, body and conclusion, with correct grammar and spelling and acknowledging sources using APA 7th Edition referencing style. Word count of 2000 words +/-10% will be maintained; inclusive of intext references, excluding reference list.
Assessment 3: Case study and literature review Assessment 3: Case study and literature review CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a learning outcome1.Case study developed is clear, informative and feasible5 PtsExceeds expectationsVery well considered case study. The child/family circumstances are realistic and comprehensively presented in light of the chosen childhood experience; the context of the family and nurse interaction is clearly defined.4 PtsMeets ExpectationsWell considered case study. The child/family circumstances are realistic and thoroughly presented in light of the chosen childhood experience; the context of the family and nurse interaction is clearly defined.3 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood case study. The child/family circumstances are realistic and clearly presented in light of the chosen childhood experience; the context of the family and nurse interaction lacks some clarity.2.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory case study. The child/family circumstances are realistic and presented in light of the chosen childhood experience; the context of the family and nurse interaction lacks some detail or depth.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory case study. The child/family circumstances are not clearly presented in light of the chosen childhood experience; the context of the family and nurse interaction lacks clarity/detail making it difficult for the reader to conceptualise the situation.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome2.Outline the prevalence in Australia of the childhood experience chosen and highlight the short term, medium term and potential long term health outcomes/impact on the child10 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion, demonstrating accuracy and comprehensive consideration of health outcomes/impact on the child related to the chosen childhood experience.8 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion, demonstrating accuracy and thorough consideration of health outcomes/impact on the child related to the chosen childhood experience.7 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion, demonstrating accuracy and fair consideration of health outcomes/impact on the child related to the chosen childhood experience; may lack depth detail in some aspects.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating accuracy, health outcomes/impact on the child related to the chosen childhood experience may be limited; further depth in response/consideration would have increased marks.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating inaccuracy and inadequacy regarding prevalence data and/or health outcomes/impact on the child related to the chosen childhood experience; further depth in response/consideration would have increased marks.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome3.Discuss the impact (protective or otherwise) of family, culture and environment on the identified health outcomes for children identified from criteria 210 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion, demonstrating sophisticated insight into the impact of family, culture, and environment on the health outcomes for the case study child identified in criteria 2.8 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion, demonstrating well considered insight into the impact of family, culture, and environment on the health outcomes for the case study child identified in criteria 2.7 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion, demonstrating some insight into the impact of family, culture, and environment on the health outcomes for the case study child identified in criteria 2.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating sufficient understanding of the impact of family, culture, and environment on the health outcomes for the case study child identified in criteria 2; lacking in detail or depth to achieve a higher mark.0 PtsNo MarksUnsatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the impact of family, culture, and environment on the health outcomes for the case study child; discussion may be general rather than specific to the situation presented in the case study.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome4. Explore the impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study, in light of their age/stage of development10 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion, demonstrating sophisticated examination of the possible impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study.8 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion, demonstrating a thorough examination of the possible impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study.7 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion, demonstrating well considered possible impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating a sufficient understanding of the possible impact of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study; lacking in detail or depth to achieve a higher mark.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory achievement against this criterion, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the chosen childhood experience on the learning and development of the child in the case study; lacking in detail or depth to achieve a higher mark; discussion may be general rather than specific to the situation presented in the case study.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome5. When you (the nurse) meet the family (as outlined in your case study) how might you engage therapeutically with the child and family? Outline age/development appropriate communication strategies that you could adopt to support child/family flourishing10 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion, outlining therapeutic engagement strategies that are cognizant of the family/child situation as outlined in the case study. Strategies presented are supportive of child/family flourishing.8 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion, outlining therapeutic engagement strategies that are cognizant of the family/child situation as outlined in the case study. Strategies presented are supportive of child/family flourishing.7 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion, outlining therapeutic engagement strategies that are cognizant of the family/child situation as outlined in the case study. Strategies presented are supportive of child/family flourishing.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion, outlining some therapeutic engagement strategies that are cognizant of the family/child situation as outlined in the case study; lacking in detail or depth to achieve a higher mark. Strategies presented are supportive of child/family flourishing; but may be somewhat generic.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory achievement against this criteria, therapeutic engagement strategies may be absent or inconsistent with/inappropriate for the family/child situation as outlined in the case study; discussion may be general rather than specific to the situation presented in the case study.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome6. Based on the chosen childhood experience selected and the case study specifics, provide two (2) priority nursing actions/interventions (separate to the therapeutic engagement strategies) with rationales, that would advocate for positive child/family health outcomes5 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion. Two (2) priority nursing actions/interventions are clearly articulated and thoroughly justified. The actions suggested are positive in intent and are specific to the needs of the child/family in the case.4 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion. Two (2) priority nursing actions/interventions with rationales are clearly articulated. The actions suggested are positive in intent and are specific to the needs of child/family in the case.3.5 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion. Two (2) priority nursing actions/interventions with rationales suggested. The actions suggested are positive in intent and are relevant to the needs of the child/family but may not address the most pressing priorities as objectively presented in the case.2.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion. Two (2) priority nursing actions/interventions with rationales suggested. The actions suggested are positive in intent and are relevant to the needs of the child/family but are more generic rather than specific to the situation.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory achievement against this criterion. Nursing actions are absent or demonstrate a lack of understanding regarding prioritization of care needs in relation to the presented case; discussion may be general rather than specific to the situation presented in the case study.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome7. Use of evidence. Criteria 2-6 above are informed by at least 12 sources of high quality contemporary, relevant and credible developmental, nursing and family care theory and literature that is integrated into discussion to support key points5 PtsExceeds expectationsExemplary achievement against this criterion, a very well informed paper utilizing high quality evidence4 PtsMeets ExpectationsHigh achievement against this criterion, a very well informed paper3 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood achievement against this criterion; a well informed paper that would benefit from further reading an research in some areas or some different choices of evidence2.5 PtsSatisfactorySatisfactory achievement against this criterion; a paper that is accurate in its content but lacks depth in some areas or relies on evidence that is variable in quality. Further reading and research would have improved achievement against this criterion0 PtsUnsatisfactoryThis paper does not draw on sufficient reliable, contemporary of relevant theory or literature to present an informed position. Further reading, research and effort to integrate evidence into discussion would have improved achievement against this criterion5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome8.Scholarly approach; written expression, development of essay and acknowledgement of sources, adherence to word count 2000words +/- 10% (inclusive of intext citations, excludes reference list). Submission is formatted using Times New Roman, 12 font and double spaced with 2.54cm ‘normal’ margins.5 PtsExceeds expectationsExcellent essay structure that is logical, clear, and sophisticated in its development. Professional terminology is used throughout. No errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling. APA 7th referencing style is used, no referring errors in text or reference list. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10% and submission formatting.4 PtsMeets ExpectationsVery good essay structure. Occasional errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling. Minor editing and revision required. APA 7th referencing style is used, minor errors in intext citations and/or reference list. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10% and submission formatting.3 PtsMeets ExpectationsGood essay structure. Some errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling, limited editing and revision required. APA 7th referencing style is used, some errors in intext citations and/or reference list. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10%, and submission formatting is mostly correct.2.5 PtsSatisfactoryAdequate essay structure. Consistent errors with grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling which detract from the clarity of the work, however key points are still adequately communicated to the reader. Significant editing and revision required to improve the academic quality of the work. APA 7th referencing style is used inconsistently, with errors. Adheres to the Word limit +/- 10% and submission formatting is mostly correct.0 PtsUnsatisfactoryPoor essay structure, errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling detract significantly from the clarity of the writing so that ideas and understanding of concepts cannot be communicated clearly to the reader. Thorough editing and revision is required to achieve satisfactorily in this criteria. Incorrect application of APA 7th edition referencing style resulting in inadequate acknowledgement of sources and risk of breaching academic integrity/plagiarism. Word count not adhered to, formatting of work impedes clarity of message and document presentation.5 pts
Total points: 60
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