CIS101 Navigating A Digital World Assignment

CIS101 Navigating A Digital World Assignment


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CIS101 – Navigating a Digital World Assignment 3: Digital Organization and Tools for Success Due: Week 9 Points: 110 Skill(s) Being Assessed: Technology, Productivity What to submit/deliverables: Word document downloaded from Chapter 9 of the webtext (submitted in Blackboard – Week 9). Note: You will need to finish all assignment templates in Chapter 9 of the webtext before you are able to download your complete assignment. What is the value of doing this assignment? One of the most important ways that technology helps us to be productive is in staying organized. With the cloud, it is easy to organize, find, and access your digital files from anywhere, anytime, as long as you have Internet access. The Internet also helps us stay productive because it allows us to find the resources we need to accomplish our goals. It helps us move forward and use time efficiently when we encounter something that we don’t know how to do. Not sure how to use a certain digital tool? You can search for instructions on the tool’s website. Uncertain how to go about completing a specific task? The Internet offers many instructional videos, manuals, and how-to websites to find the answers you need to reach your goals. Your goal for this assignment is to: Select appropriate organizational strategies and digital tools to maximize one’s productivity. Steps to complete: In Week 9, complete and submit your assignment in Blackboard using the following steps: Step 1: File Organization – Folder Structure and Folder Contents: You will complete the following steps using the instructions in your webtext, Section 9.6 Assignment: Assignment 3 Part 1 – Files and Folders.

● Step 1: Create Folders.

● Step 2: Download Files.

● Step 3: Organize Files.

● Step 4: Take Screenshots.

● Step 5: Upload Screenshots. Step 2: Digital Tools – Office 365: You will complete the following steps using the instructions in your webtext, Section 9.7 Assignment: Assignment 3 Part 2a – Office 365 App.

● Step 1: Select Your Office 365 App.

● Step 2: Find a Help Resource. Step 3: Digital Tools – Behavioral App: You will complete the following steps using the instructions in your webtext, Section 9.8 Assignment: Assignment 3 Part 2b – Behavioral App. CIS101 – Navigating a Digital World

● Step 1: Select a Behavioral App.

● Step 2: Find a Help Resource.

● Step 3: Download your completed assignment from Section 9.8 of the webtext. ● You will need to finish all assignment templates before you are able to download your completed assignment. ● Your assignment download from the webtext will be a Word document—available after you complete the last template for Assignment 3 in the webtext. Step 4: Navigate to Blackboard (Week 9 – SUBMIT section), upload your Word document, and submit your assignment


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