Computer Aided Design Assignment

Computer Aided Design Assignment


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Project 1 Rev. 0

ENGR 102: Computer Aided Design

Project 1: Animation and Motion

Due electronically via Canvas by Oct. 21th at 11:59 PM

Refer to submission instructions for information regarding how to properly submit your files. Refer to the following tutorials and video lectures for guidance: Animation, Solidworks Motion.

Part 1: Animation

Create a short (30 sec.) movie that showcases the action of the Fanuc robotic arm using the files provided. Your movie should move the camera or perspective in space to view the model from multiple angles during each of the following non-overlapping segments:

· Disassembly/reassembly of the model.

· Demonstration of range of motion. All four joint angles must move through a representative range of motion.

Part 2: Basic Motion

Create a virtual domino course using the parts provided. Your course should feature at least a dozen dominos in a sequence that features, at a minimum, two 90-degree turns. Save a motion study as a movie file in which all dominos are knocked over.

Extra Credit: Apply appearances to the dominos, surface, and scene. Render the video to make it photorealistic. See, for example, . Consult the Photoview 360 tutorial for more information on how to render.

What to submit:

· Movie files for both the robotic arm motion and the domino course (saved as .AVI files)

· SolidWorks files for the dominos and oscillator (saved as Pack-and-Go .ZIP files, be sure to check the option to include simulation results!)

· A 2-3 page report, inclusive of appropriate figures and tables, on your oscillator motion analysis that addresses all of the posed questions.

Animation (Robotic arm)


· Familiarize yourself with the provided model and the range of motion of each joint.

· I strongly suggest that you unsuppress the joint mates prior to creating your exploded view and motion study. Although not necessary, this in conjunction with limit mates for the maximum range of motion seems to stave off many of the issues surrounding ‘jerky’ motion that students have encountered.

· To create an exploded view of an assembly:

· goto the Configuration Manager

· right-click the default configuration

· in the pop-up menu, select New Exploded View

· select the component you wish to explode from the assembly

· define the direction (x,y,z) and distance you wish to displace the component

· once the Explode Step has been created, you may edit it by right-clicking and selecting Edit Step in the pop-up menu

· note: the order of explode steps matters! Be sure to follow a logical sequence in exploding the configuration to provide assembly/disassembly context.

· You can preview what the explosion/collapse would look like in your movie prior to creating the motion study by right-clicking the newly created ExplView found under the default configuration in the Configuration Manager and selecting the animate option.

· You can change the perspective of the animation by creating keyframes with different view orientations (or custom zooms and viewing angles) on the Orientation timeline.

· Use the Animation Wizard to assist with inserting explosion/collapse animations.

· Use keypoints in the timelines for the joint angle mates to modify arm positioning.

· be sure to suppress/unsuppress mates as necessary

· SolidWorks cares about the initial condition when solving for motion – try recalculating at different starting angles when changing the range of motion. For example, if you want to go from 0 to 90 and the model is currently at 180, try solving the model at 90 and again at 0 rather than going from 180 to 0 in one calculation. This seems to help SolidWorks position correctly for large angular displacements.

Basic Motion (Dominoes)


· Be sure that your mates do not overly restrict motion

· if a mate un-naturally restricts motion, either check the ‘for positioning only’ box at the very bottom of the mate dialogue box or suppress the mate once you’ve positioned the part

· Add a motor to the bottom leading edge of the domino to turn it approximately 15 degrees from vertical, then turn off the motor to release the domino under the effect of gravity to get the chain started.

· You can manually position all dominos, or use Linear and Circular Patterns to generate copies along controlled paths

· If you use patterns, you must dissolve the pattern feature by right-clicking and selecting dissolve – this will then create independent copies of the dominos, but be sure to double-check mates!


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