Confederate Monuments and the Legacy
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Write My Essay For MePrompt
Synthesize the arguments posed by de Velasco (2019) and O’Connell (2019) as it relates to how current efforts to preserve Confederate monuments correlate to de facto and de jure laws that preserve the system of inequality and discrimination towards marginalized communities in the United States. Cite evidence from both documents to substantiate your thesis, but connect your premise to the State of Mississippi, Black Code (1865) for additional support.
“Black Code.” State of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, 1866.
de Velasco, Antonio. ““I’ma Southerner, Too”: Confederate Monuments and Black Southern Counterpublics in Memphis, Tennessee.” Southern Communication Journal 84, no. 4 (2019): 233-245.
O’Connell, Heather A. “Monuments outlive history: Confederate monuments, the legacy of slavery, and black-white inequality.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 43, no. 3 (2020): 460-478.
Respond to the above writing prompt. Students responses’ must submit an original essay answering the prompt in no less than 1,000 words (two pages), but not to exceed 2,000 words (four pages) double spaced. The essay should be in a Microsoft document using one (1) inch margins with Times New Roman font. All essays must have a standard cover page (without designs) and a bibliography. Students should note that a response to the writing prompt requires that students take a position (i.e. offer a thesis), support the position with textual evidence from both the primary and secondary sources, and provide an analysis of the text as relates to a student’s thesis. Original essays must be submitted to the TurnItIn link at the end of this page.
Assignment Guidelines
Cover Page
A cover page is required for this assignment. In-text citations are also required as it allows students to practice the proper use of referencing primary and secondary sources. While footnotes are the preferred in-text citation for the discipline of history, this activity requires in-text parentheticals – a practice mostly used in the discipline of political science. For further details about how to properly use in-text parenthetical citations, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) available online through Purdue Owl. The link for the CMOS is under the Assignment Guidelines section.
Bibliography & Plagiarism
A bibliography is required for this assignment, but the words used for the bibliography should not be considered as part of a student’s minimum or maximum word-count as required for this assignments’ guidelines. Reference to all the aforementioned documents and links pertaining to this assignment’s guidelines are available below these instructions for students’ convenience. Failure to adhere to the assignment guidelines will result in a zero. Plagiarism, including the use of SpinBot, for any written assignment in the course will result in failure of the assignment, and potentially failure of the course. An additional consequence may result in a report to the appropriate office for academic misconduct. Please do not plagiarize. For more information about plagiarism, please refer to the plagiarism PPT and the university link at the end of this page.
Direct Quotes
Direct quotations are not permissible for any writing assignment in this course. Students should reference the sources, but not include any direct text in their original essay. Students are being evaluated for their critical analysis of the text, not their ability to reference the text. Any essay with direct quotes will automatically constitute forty percent (40%) on the assignment. This is the lowest percent possible that students can earn for writing assignments evaluated by the professor using the History Writing Rubric when writing assignments are not in violation of plagiarism.
Here’s an example of a direct quote: In Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), Justice Kennedy’s opinion of the court stated, “… In assessing whether the force and rationale of its cases apply to same-sex couples, the Court must respect the basic reasons why the right to marry has been long protected… This analysis compels the conclusion that same-sex couples may exercise the right to marry …”
Confederate Monuments and the Legacy ESSAY
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