Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Essay

Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice


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12. The nurse asks a patient how she feels about her impending
surgery for breast cancer. Before the discussion the nurse
reviewed the description of loss and grief and therapeutic
communication principles in his textbook. The critical
thinking component involved in the nurse’s review of the
literature is:
1. Experience.
2. Problem solving.
3. Knowledge application.
4. Clinical decision making.
13. A nurse is working with a nursing assistive personnel (NAP)
on a busy oncology unit. The nurse has instructed the NAP on
the tasks that need to be performed, including getting patient
A out of bed, collecting a urine specimen from patient B, and
checking vital signs on patient C, who is scheduled to go home.
Which of the following represent(s) successful delegation?
(Select all that apply.)
1. A nurse explains to the NAP the approach to use in
getting the patient up and why the patient has activity
2. A nurse is asked by a patient to help her to the bathroom;
the nurse leaves the room and directs the NAP to assist the
patient instead.

3. The nurse sees the NAP preparing to help a patient out of
bed, goes to assist, and thanks the NAP for her efforts to get
the patient up early.
4. The nurse is in patient B’s room to check an intravenous
(IV) line and collects the urine specimen while in the room.
5. The nurse offers support to the NAP when needed but
allows her to complete patient care tasks without constant
14. Which of the following is unique to the commitment level of
critical thinking?
1. Weighs benefits and risks when making a decision.
2. Analyzes and examine choices more independently.
3. Concrete thinking.
4. Anticipates when to make choices without others’
15. In which of the following examples is the nurse not applying
critical thinking skills in practice?
1. The nurse considers personnel experience in performing
intravenous (IV) line insertion and ways to improve
2. The nurse uses a fall risk inventory scale to determine a
patient’s fall risk.
3. The nurse observes a change in a patient’s behavior and
considers which problem is likely developing.
4. The nurse explains the procedure for giving a tube feeding
to a second nurse who has floated to the unit to assist
with care

Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Essay

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