CRJ311 Effective Communication Assignment Essay

CRJ311 Effective Communication Assignment


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Due Date: 11:59 pm EST, Sunday of Unit 1 Points: 100 Overview: As adults in this country, we work side by side with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. When we are in the criminal justice system profession, we encounter eighteen-year-old men and women up to Vietnam veterans. This profoundly impacts how our interactions are with one another and the verbal and non-verbal components that make up our communication skills. With the different life experiences, we each possess, communication can be cumbersome with one another or exceptionally free- flowing and robust. Instructions: Imagine being a Law Enforcement Officer or a Correctional Officer as a millennial, and you are working with a baby boomer.

1. Discuss the differences and similarities between baby boomers and millennials. What differences would you foresee between the two of you while working together? What similarities would there be?

2. Analyze working as a Police Officer or Correctional Officer with a baby boomer. Discuss what communication barriers could exist between them. If there were to be a communication barrier between the two of you, how would you overcome it?

3. What should leaders in those respective professions do to ensure that issues between different generations of Officers remain relatively low and not an “us versus them” mentality?

Support your thoughts with articles, journals, and other supportive material from your readings this week.


• Submit a Word document in APA format. • Maximum three pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages. • At least two resources.

CRJ311– Effective Communications for Criminal Justice Professions

Generations of Diversity and Culture

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Generations of Diversity and Culture Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

0 – 11 points 12 – 15 points

16 – 19 points

20 points

1. Similarities and Differences

Does not clearly and accurately discusses the differences and similarities between baby boomers and millennials.

Somewhat clearly and accurately discusses the differences and similarities between baby boomers and millennials.

Mostly clearly and accurately discusses the differences and similarities between baby boomers and millennials.

Clearly and accurately discusses the differences and similarities between baby boomers and millennials.

2. Communication Barriers

Does not clearly and accurately analyzes communicatio n barriers.

Somewhat clearly and accurately analyzes communicatio n barriers.

Mostly clearly and accurately analyzes communicatio n barriers.

Clearly and accurately analyzes communicatio n barriers.

0 – 14 points 15 – 19 points

20 – 24 points

25 points

3. Issues in Different Generations

Does not clearly and accurately discusses strategies to work with others in other generations.

Somewhat clearly and accurately discusses strategies to work with others in other generations.

Mostly clearly and accurately discusses strategies to work with others in other generations.

Clearly and accurately discusses strategies to work with others in other generations.

0 – 5 points 6 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 points Resources 0

resources or resources are not relevant

n/a 1 relevant resource

2 relevant resources

Paper Length More than 3 pages

n/a n/a 3 pages or less

0 – 8 points 9 – 11 points 12 – 14 points

15 points

Clear and Professional

Errors impede professional presentation;

Significant err ors that do not impede

Few errors that do not impede

Writing and format are clear,

Writing and APA Format

guidelines not followed.

professional presentation.

professional presentation.

professional, APA compliant, and error free.

Evaluation Rubric for Generations of Diversity and Culture Assignment

CRJ311 Effective Communication Assignment Essay

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