Campbell, M.M. (2007). Motivational systems theory and the academic performance of college students. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 11-24
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Write My Essay For MeSummary of Research Methodology and Findings
The author dedicates the article to the motivational systems theory, and its role in college students’ academic performance. The study explores the validity of the motivational systems theory as a measure of college students’ performance. By means of investigation of biological and environmental factors, motivational strategies, students’ skills, and other components, the author demonstrates the evident relationship between motivational strategies and the academic performance of those students who pursue the business degree. The research is supported with Martin Ford’s Motivational Systems Theory that demonstrates a formula of the students’ performance. The author proves the significance of students’ motivation and self-regulated learning components (skills, abilities, etc.) that inevitably influence their performance.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The article provides empirical evidence that a motivational systems theory is a valid predictor of performance; moreover, it is dependant from students’ gender and race (considered as the research variables). The author offers to implement the successful motivational systems theory in students’ learning environment. The value of the present article can not be underestimated because educators, researchers and students have always been interested in factors that lead to excellent academic performance.
Chun, M., Sohn, K., Arling, P., & Granados, N.F. (2008). Systems Theory and Knowledge Management Systems: The Case of Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne. Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 1-10
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The researchers’ article provides the detailed information about systems theory and knowledge management systems, and analyzes the case of Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne. The authors reveal how knowledge management systems can be created, stored, transferred, and applied to increase the effectiveness of the company’s competitiveness. Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne is shown as a system of technology, people and processes that manages to establish a generative learning environment. The article provides with three analytical techniques within the knowledge management context: analysis behavior over time, systems archetypes, and systems diagrams. The results are focused on the ways that help to improve knowledge management practices within a company.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The authors’ article suggests the idea that the systems theory is effectively applicable in the knowledge management systems of a certain business company. The experience of Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne proves the importance of effective knowledge management systems for desirable states and behaviors of the organization. The present article will strengthen the overall value of this work because it reveals the secrets of successful knowledge management within an organization.
Clark, T.D., Jones, M.C., & Armstrong, C.P. (2007). The Dynamic Structure of Management Support Systems: Theory Development, Research Focus, and Direction. MIS Quarterly Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 579-615
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The authors provide detailed information about the nature of management support systems, their dynamic structure, and theory development as one of their essential components. The article develops a conceptual model on the basis of the results of the relevant literature review and conducted research. The researchers deepen into the details of managerial actions, decision making process and its quality, business intelligence, information influence and communication theory, etc. At the same time, the article stresses on the user involvement into development of management support systems that increases its functionality, successful application, and quality.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The article underlines the essential role of management support systems that can help to develop a research theory, focus of the key points, and direct the research into an appropriate stream. Moreover, the author provides with pragmatic insights, and gives an impulse for further research of the problem. The article presents a valuable piece of information for the work, and stresses the necessity of decision-making process in any research area.
Gill, C.M. (2010). Martyring Veda: Mildred Pierce and Family Systems Theory. Style, Vol. 44, No’s. 1 & 2, pp. 81-98
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The researcher concerns the family systems theory. The article analyses the relationships of the film characters – Mildred Pierce and her eldest daughter, Veda Pierce. The article itself is built on the film critique and its relation with the family systems theory. The plot of the film is based on the mystery murder. Domestic space and the Pierces family system are in the scope of the researcher’s interest. The film depicts the futility of the American dream in a real life and impossibility of Mildred’s true long-term success. Mildred combines maternity and housework, but her job as a waitress is criticized by her daughter. Veda’s role in the family may be revealed through her social climber’s essence, and hostile and malicious attitude toward her long-suffering mother. The insight in Veda’s greedy, ungrateful and snobbish character allows to analyze the motivations in the family systems theory.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The author proves the multifaceted nature of the family systems theory, and points out that motivations play a key role in family relations and environment. Analyzing the film, the researcher follows the Marxist, feminist and other points of view, the article proves the complex and dramatic nature of family relationships. The article is useful because it demonstrates how the systems theory can be applied in such social system as a family; the family systems theory may offer solutions for family problems that can arise from unfavorable family climate.
Griffiths, P.E., & Gray, R.D. (2005). Discussion: Three ways to misunderstand developmental systems theory. Biology and Philosophy, No. 20, pp. 417-425. Doi: 10.1007/s10539-004-0758-1
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The authors discuss the developmental systems theory, and outline its three misunderstandings, raised from the relationship between this theory and evolutionary developmental biology. Following the historical prospective, the authors explain the main difference between the theory and the discipline. The article points out the influence of advances of molecular biology, evolution of morphological structures, and research on behavioral and morphological development on these doctrines.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The article’s author suggests the idea that developmental systems theory can be misunderstood that may negatively influence the research process in biological and philosophical spheres. Both biology and philosophy are focused on investigation of living objects and their interrelations. Developmental systems theory is one of the aspects of the general systems theory; for this reason, the article is of high interest for the work that is interested in social and organizational systems.
Maracine, V., & Delcea, C. (2009). How we can diagnose the firms’ diseases using Grey systems theory. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, No. 43(3), pp. 39-55
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The present article touches upon the grey systems theory, and its application in firms’ diseases or causes that generate some problems in the company’s activity. The grey systems theory finds its application in analysis, predication, modeling, decision making, control used in many areas: medical, social, industry, ecological, economical, etc. However, the core of the researcher’s paper is to elaborate matrix of symptoms of a firm. At the same time, the authors make predictions and give their own recommendations concerning the diagnoses of the family diseases and significant improvement of the situation. The role of the grey systems theory application in diagnoses of the firms’ diseases is revealed. The authors analyze changes in the economic environment, positive and negative effects of firms’ decisions.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The literature review of the historic diagnostic models and methods proves the necessity of the grey systems theory in data collection and diagnosis of the symptoms. Application of this theory within a business company seems to be necessary for its benefit. It is an exceptionally valuable piece of information for the work because it demonstrates the role of the company’s data in diagnosing its possible problems in the future.
Matheny, A.C., & Zimmerman, T.S. (2001). The Application of Family Systems Theory to Organizational Consultation: A Content Analysis. The American Journal of Family Therapy, No. 29, pp. 421–433
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
This article touches upon the application of family systems theory frameworks and common constructs in organizational consultation. The authors analyzed 43 articles related to family systems theory, investigated, and empirically evaluate the role of the theory frameworks in organizational consultation, taking into consideration four main variables. Family systems theory is widely used in organizational areas: business, sport, human service, etc. They include author’s educational training, gender, decade of article publication, and type of organization.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
According to the findings, the use of these frameworks and the constructs in organizational consultation depends upon consultant, time period, and the characteristics of the organization. Family systems theory may facilitate the process of organizational consultation, as it helps to understand and analyze the problems in sports, business or other organizational systems. For this reason, the present article is valuable and useful for the work.
Mesjasz, C. (2010). Complexity of Social Systems. Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 117, No. 4, pp. 706-715
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The researcher dedicated the article to the complexity of social phenomena. The article characterizes social systems as unpredictable human systems that are difficult to be explained. The author presents a survey of the characteristics of these social systems. The study operates the knowledge from such sciences as chemistry, biology, physics, and normative sciences, as well: international relations, finance, management theory, etc. because they provide guidance for action in a modern social practice. Analyzing the essence of complexity, the researcher is focused on such scientific terms as chaos, emerging properties, “butterfly-effect”, self-organization and others that form the complex systems. Besides, the author divides complexity into particular classes (self-referential, gnosiological, semiotic, computational complexity; “herd” and “soft” ones). Following the linguistic approach, the researcher notes that systems thinking studies are widely used in social studies as sources of metaphors, analogies, mathematical models.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
On the whole, the paper systematizes complex areas of research, and emphasizes on the objective nature of mathematical models. The complexity of social systems lies in their complicated and unpredictable nature. The value of the article grows as it helps to prevent and predict unfavorable consequences of social phenomena, making contribution to the social systems theory.
Patton, W., & McMahon, M. (2006). The Systems Theory Framework Of Career Development and Counseling: Connecting Theory And Practice. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling 28(2):pp. 153-166
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The present article is dedicated to practice and theory of career counseling, and discussion of the career and counseling theories. The importance of the paper lies in its attempt to connect theory and practice within the problem of the career development and counseling. The researchers’ paper concerns the overarching systems theory framework that deals with psychology of human behavior and career development. At the same time, the researchers outline the origin of career counseling, reflect the career counseling experience, and describe all possible challenges. The framework takes into account such essential components as education institutions, employment market, workplace, peers, media, family, and individual beliefs, skills, work knowledge, etc. The authors paid attention to the changeable nature of thee components. Also, the present article presents the therapeutic system, where a client and a counselor are put in the center.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
On the whole, the article suggests the idea that the systems theory framework facilitates the process of career counseling and its challenges. Counseling helps to overcome challenges in the process of career development, as it may guides and positively influences a person, taking into consideration personal interests, knowledge and professional skills. The value of the article is proved by its findings that contribute to the systems theory in social and organizational spheres.
Richardson, K.A., & Midgley, G. (2007). Systems theory and complexity: Part 4, The evolution of systems thinking, E:CO, Vol. 9, No’s 1-2, pp. 163-180
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The present researchers’ article is dedicated to the complex systems theory and its role in the evolution of human systems thinking. The authors build on the developmental pathways of the General Systems Theory, the recent evolution of the system thinking, and the critique of the systems analysis, the authors reveal the essence of community involvement in policy analysis, underlying the recent systems thinking principles. The optimization approach and the boundary critique give an opportunity to outline the paradigms of systems, explain the meaning of systemic interventions. At the same time, the researchers provide the modern threads of systems thinking and systemic intervention.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
Systems theory helps to reveal the nature of complexity necessity of systems thinking in tackling problems in organizational and social systems. The author underlines that solution of problems depends on systems thinking success. Undoubtedly, the article presents a valuable piece of information for the work.
Sousa-Poza, A., & Kovacic, S. (2008). Research Agenda for Complex Situations. Engineering Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 32-39
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The authors discuss the complex situations of independent systems. The research agenda expands the traditional scientific approaches on the basis of three philosophical facets: epistemological (answers “what makes it true?”), ontological (answers “what is it?”), and methodological (answers “how is it done?”). Also, the authors reveal the nature of complex situations. According to the article, this complexity is raised from the dichotomy of the researcher’s world and that of practitioner. The authors are guided by the practical approach to researching complex situations.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
Philosophical and theoretical constructs give an opportunity to realize that the research should possess a certain value to be adopted by both a researcher and a practitioner. Complex situations demands well developed research agenda that promises solution of complex problems. Thus, the value of the article is evident, as it contributes to such aspects of the work as systems thinking, decision-making process in problem solution, etc.
Stavenga, G.J. (2006). Ultimate Questions of Science and the Theory of Systems Relations. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, No. 37, pp. 111–137
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
In the article, the author interprets the theory of systems relations: its essence, fundamental characteristics, qualitative difference from other theories in this field, epistemological implications, etc. The author argues that discipline-specific methods can not explain the fundamental characteristics of systems. Plessner’s analysis, concerning the basic structures of a human being, animal and plant, serves as the base for the researcher’s article. Plessner was an advocate of philosophical anthropology, who described a priori qualities of the physical nature of the environments and the essence of human intentionality. Examining the cognitive relations in physics and the true meaning of the basic structures of the system relations, the author of the article offers theoretical simple principles of the theory of systems relations.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
Theory of systems relations is one of the aspects of general systems theory that help to understand the complex nature of interactions and interrelations of the objects within a social or organizational system. Plessner contributes to the theory as the researcher provides philosophical anthropological view on the problems of the theory of systems relations. For this reason, the value of the present article can not be underestimated.
Tamas, A. (2000). System Theory in Community Development. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The present article reveals the essence of system theory in such complex social activity as community development. Also, the article provides the analytical framework of the General System Theory by Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Through this theory, the author analyzes social influence and power, inter-group relationships, and changes of activities in community developmental work. In addition, the article describes basic concepts of the theory, and their relation to community development. In conclusion, the author outlines main steps of community developmental work.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
The author proves the essential role of the theory concepts in planning and organizing of the community development. Community development is one of the main tasks of all social systems, where a human being occupies a central place. In this context, the article makes a valuable contribution to the role of general systems theory in social systems.
Walker, G.H., Stanton, N.A., Salmon, P.M., & Jenkins, D.P. (2008). A review of sociotechnical systems theory: a classic concept for new command and control paradigms. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 479–499
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The socio-technical systems theory inspired the researchers’ article. The researchers pay attention to the fact that modern organizational paradigm is weakened by modern problems: new technology, environmental complexity, competition, dynamism, etc. The authors examine the theory to find its application in new command and control paradigms of the successful organization called Network Enabled Capability. The authors discuss the replacement of the industrial age modes with the information age thinking. The article reviews ergonomics literature, analyzes its main concepts, and highlights effective sociotechnical principles within the Network Enabled Capability research.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
On the whole, the article reveals the buzzword of the term “socio-technical”, outlining the main principles of human centered socio-technical approach: meaningfulness of tasks, adaptability, and responsible autonomy, following certain issues in Network Enabled Capability. The authors point out that control and command paradigm is typical for organizational and social systems. For this reason, the value of this article grows in the context of the work.
Yi, J. (2009). Cultural Influences on the Survivorship of Families Affected by Childhood Cancer: A Case for Using Family Systems Theories. Families, Systems, and Health, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 228-236
Summary of Research Methodology and Findings
The author’s article is focused on the family adaptation to childhood cancer through communication, flexibility, and cohesion. Besides, the article shows how these components can be affected by cultural influences. The author underlines the essential role of family systems theory in the process of adaptation, and describes the survivorship of childhood cancer. Together with the author’s findings, the family systems theory reveals the nature of positive family climate that is extremely essential for the families affected by childhood cancer.
Critical Assessment and Value of the Article
Cancer is a horrible disease that takes away many lives; in this context, to increase the survival of children with cancer, and decrease the mortality rate among these children seem to be vital. The study proves that a family exists in a social context based on diverse cultural and ethnic background that influences the adaptation to childhood cancer. The article is of practical value because the researcher’s findings can be applied in the life of real families that face the stated problem.
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