Cystic Fibrosis Through Osmosis Essay

Cystic Fibrosis Through Osmosis Essay


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Cystic Fibrosis Through Osmosis Essay



Cystic Fibrosis through osmosis



Many living organism that are present in the entire universe have been affected by many disease in many ways. There are different types of unique diseases that have affected human beings. Many of the diseases occur due to genetic disorder. There is thousands of genetic disorder in which one of them we discussed in the lab is cystic fibrosis. This disease mainly affects lungs and the digestive system of a person. There is risk of death due to this disease as it produces mucus, which can block the pathway of the lungs and create obstruction on the pancreas. This disease is transferred from parents to children where both the parents are the carriers of the disease and both of the parents should pass down the gene in order for the child to have this disease. (Walsh MJ, Wostl RL. 2019)

Figure 1:- Thick and sticky mucus blocking the pancreatic and bile ducts

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease. The most common carrier of the disease are the white population. “ Over 7000 population have cystic fibrosis in the United Kingdom. ” (Davies, Jane C, et al, 2007). This disease is very rare in other type of population. People having this disease must be treated because it has risk of life when it is not treated in time and the life span of the people is very short if the proper treatment is not provided. Over the time many of the health researchers have tried to find out the treatment of this disease. According to the article, of published in Medical News Today, it was recorded that many of the children died in the infancy even going to the elementary schools as there was no such treatment of the Cystic Fibrosis as it is found in different medical centers today. (Davies, Jane C, et al, 2018).

Figure 2:- Potential benefits and harms of newborn screening for CF.

Today in the United States, the average lifespan can be 40-50 years when healthcare is available.( Walsh MJ, Wostl RL. 2019). The disease is normally caused by mutation of cystic fibrosis trans membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The protein which is produce take part in controlling the ion movement to epithelial cell membrane. The occur of mutation, makes the ions defective which produces the thick mucus in the lungs affecting the respiratory system of the body. There are different methods now that are set as the requirement in the newborn which helps to identify the disease in the infant in the United States. (Brown, Sheena D et al. 2017). We have conducted this experiment in the lab to find out the role of osmosis in Cystic Fibrosis by using Na and Cl as ion and dialysis tubing.

Methods and materials

First of all as a group we used the dialysis bag that was provided to us to represent the NaCl concentration cell. Osmosis was the main key element to perform this lab experiment. We made 600ml of the 150 millimolar (mM) NaCl. Molar mass of Na and Cl was obtained by the periodic table. The molar mass of NaCl combined was found to be 58.443 g/mol by adding the individual molar mass of Na and Cl. Milli molar was converted to mole and also the milliliter solution was converted to liter of solution by the conversion method. From the answer obtained from the conversion we calculated the mass of NaCl which was found to be 5.26 grams. We took the amount of NaCl and stirred with the glass rod in the beaker until the solute was completely dissolved into the solution.

Figure 3:- Dialysis bag in a higher concentration solution

We took two beakers and divided the Nacl solution. We labeled one beaker as a “normal cess” and another beaker as “cystic fibrosis”. We then tried to compare the concentration solution on both the beaker. One of the 20cm dialysis tubing was used. We then used the end of the dialysis bag and tighten it with the help of the string so that no solution could pass through the bag inside out. We then added 10ml of Nacl solution for 150 millimolar of NaCl solution. We added the NaCl solution to the dialysis bad through the help of a pipet. It represented the normal concentration of Cl- ions in the human cells. (Walsh MJ, Wostl RL. 2019) . Again we tried to take out as much air from the dialysis bag by using two fingers. We sealed the other end of the bag with the string too but this time we kept some gap between the string and the solution about an inch. We carefully cleaned the bag and the solution that was present on the outer surface of the bag. This bag was placed by the beaker which was labeled as “normal cell” and we did the same thing for the another dialysis bag but this time we used 4M NaCl concentration inside the dialysis bag with the help of a pipet. This bag was placed by the side of another beaker which was labeled as “cystic fibrosis cell”. We used the higher concentration of the NaCl solution because it causes the imbalance of the transmembrane of the cell due to the disrupted ions. We measured the initial mass of both the bags and both of the bags were immersed into the beaker respectively. We set the timer for 3 minutes and recorded the final weight of both the bag. We cleaned up the bag each time we took it out from the beaker. We continued the process for about 5 times and recorded the mass after every 3 minutes of both normal cell and cystic fibrosis cell.


We collected the data from both the beaker from the two different bag placed on different concentration of solution. We found that the dialysis bag which was dipped in the 150 MilliMolar of NaCl solution had insignificant change in mass even after re doing it for 5 times in every 3 minutes. So in total recorded the mass of the bag for 15 minutes but there was almost no change in the mass of the bag and due to which the percent change in the mass of the bag placed on the normal cell beaker was almost 0%. But, on the other hand the dialysis bag which was dipped in the 4M NaCl solution, or the higher concentration solution, we observed the change in mass in the bag after every reading. Some amount of mass was increased after every 3 minutes. The change in mass of both the bags are shown in table below.



Mass(g) Change in Mass (g) Percent Change in Mass Mass(g) Change in Mass(g) Percent Change in Mass
0 10.7 ———– ———— 12.4 ———— ———–
3 10.7 0 0% 13.4 1.0 8.06%
6 10.8 0.1 0.5% 14.0 0.6 4.49%
9 10.8 0 0% 14.6 0.6 4.29%
12 10.8 0 0% 14.9 0.3 2.05%
15 10.8 0 0% 15.1 0.2 1.34%

Table 1:- Change in mass(g) and Percentage change in mass for the dialysis bags filled with 150mM and 4M NaCl solution.

The table shows that we could only find change in the dialysis bag with the higher concentration solution. This shows that in the cystic fibrosis cell the cell becomes hypotonic and due to the osmosis the cell begins to swell up as it is present in hypertonic solution or solution with the higher concentration. The salt concentration cannot enter the air space on the dialysis bag when it has the higher concentration. In the same way people suffering from the cystic fibrosis due to the blockage of salt and water concentration inside the air space the cell develops some amount of the mucus and makes it sticky and sticky mucus cannot be moved or easily removed from lungs which disturbs the respiratory tract of the human being. In the above table 1, there is noticeable difference in the mass after every 3 minutes. It indicates that as long as the bag is dipped in the solution with higher concentration the mass of the bag is going to increase.


We performed a lab experiment by taking two dialysis bags, one we dipped in a normal NaCl concentration and another we dipped in a 4M NaCl concentration, i.e. higher concentration solution. There has been many experiments that has been conducted in during many labs for the cystic fibrosis experiment. Cystic Fibrosis is a different kind of disease. Most of the genetic disease that are found in the child can also be transferred if only one of the two parents have any genetic disorder. But, this is different than others because, both the parents should have the genetic disorder. The lab was conducted in a normal room temperature and the solution used in this lab was also in the normal room temperature. Every other reagent used in this experiment is kept under a normal room temperature.

To see the difference we also used a different solution for each experiment. We wanted to see if there is any difference in the bag if we use a different solution, which were normal condition and with the higher concentration respectively. The time difference, we set was 3 minutes. The normal solution was observed to have no difference in the weight over the time because the solution of the beaker and the solution inside the bag had the same concentration, which could be said as isotonic solution, but we also observed that the weight of the bag gradually increased according to the increase in time. From this, we could actually see the difference in the initial recording and the recording after each dip in the solution. We may say that the solution is entering the dialysis bag continuously. The cystic fibrosis cell also work in the similar way as we can see some abnormal exchange of ions inside and out the cell. This creates the mucus of the surface of the wall that blocks the respiratory organ of a human being.

Literature Cited

  • Brown, Sheena D. 2017, et al. “Keep Them Breathing.” Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 23–27. doi:10.1097/01.jaa.0000515540.36581.92.
  • Davies, Jane C, et al. 2007 “Cystic Fibrosis.” Bmj, vol. 335, no. 7632, pp. 1255–1259. doi:10.1136/
  • Davies, Jane C, et al. 2018. “Everything You Need to Know about Cystic Fibrosis Last Updated Thu 11 January 2018By James McIntosh Reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, MD.” 11 Jan. 2018.
  • Lapierre, Simon Grandjean, et al. 2017. “Cystic Fibrosis Respiratory Tract Salt Concentration.” Medicine, vol. 96, no. 47, doi.10.1097/md.0000000000008423.
  • Walsh MJ, Wostl RL. 2019. Biology 1441 : Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual, Laboratory 1 : Investigation into the Role of Osmosis plays in the Disease Cystic Fibrosis. Version 2019.04FA19. University of Texas at Arlington. P. 77

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