ECON 120  The Great Crash Video Discussion

ECON 120  The Great Crash Video Discussion


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ECON 120  The Great Crash Video Discussion

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Watch the above video. Once you have done this respond to the questions below. To receive full credit, please reply with a minimum of 4-5 sentences in length to each bullet point below (including when replying to 2 of your peers). To create a post, please click the reply button below.

  • What were the major differences between the 1920s and the 1930s?
  • How did the end of WWI affect the U.S. economy?
  • Explain the relationship between Liberty Bonds, “Investing Culture”, Margin Buying, and the rapid appreciation of stock values in the 1920s?
  • Why did the major bankers meet at J.P Morgan’s office across the street from the NYSE? What did they subsequently do?
  • How did the “Liquidity Crisis” compound an even greater contraction in GDP after stock prices collapsed?
  • What means did Roosevelt implement to help stabilize stock markets immediately and long-term?
  • What effects did the Great Depression have internationally? Do you see any parallels today?

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