ED5430 Macrosystem Case Study

ED5430 Macrosystem Case Study


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· Case studies let us practice examining topics from multiple angles and share information and ideas with our colleagues. In this course, you have practiced with group case studies and an individual case study that was presented to you. With this final project, you are given the opportunity to create your own case study and to develop ways you would strategically approach a problem, combining knowledge and leadership skills to enact change. This is your chance to apply and demonstrate your knowledge of early childhood and educational theories, as well as to advocate for practices that improve learning for young children. Being able to successfully complete this project will give you a meaningful example of applied work, and would be a good project to save for a portfolio.

There are four segments of this final project.

Segment 1 – Macrosystem Case Study
First, create your own case study. This involves writing a 3-4 page paper describing and analyzing your case, which should be taken from real-world people. Interviews with parents, a child, and a teacher or an administrator are all to be included for a multiprong look at the situation you are writing about. The case must exemplify various issues related to the macrosystem. These issues are not limited to, but should cover an analysis of:

· The cultural issues and influences related to family involvement in education (to include family structure, economics, and ethnicity).

· The cultural forces and influences driving the way the school currently operates.

· Other factors and organizations affecting the child’s education.

· How these influences affect the education the child is currently getting.

Segment 2 – Suggestions
Using the case you have created, offer suggestions for improving the child’s education based on the issues outlined above in an additional 3–4 page paper. In this section, you should utilize various scholarly references to support your answers and suggestions. These references should come from course material, journal articles, academic books, and appropriate Web sites that relate to the issue. The solutions you address should include answers to the following:

· How can the school include and support families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups?

· How can the school actively engage children and families beyond the immediate school environment?

· How can the school develop collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education?

Segment 3 – Action
In this section, you need to identify an agency, organization, or individual that may be in a position to help you promote change. First, identify who or where that is, and state why this would be a good choice. Then, write a letter that outlines the issue, and suggest ways in which you think changes could be made to rectify or improve the situation. Articulate how you think policies should be changed to improve the development and learning environment for young children in relation to this specific case. Include this 2–3 page letter (do not send it) in your final project.

Segment 4 – Feedback and Reflection
The final segment is reflective. Share your findings and suggestions with the parent and teacher or administrator (and child, if appropriate) and gather their feedback on your ideas. Add this and your final thoughts about the entire process to the paper. This last segment should be about 2–4 pages in length.

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:

1. Analyze the cultural influences at work in a child’s education.

1. Analyze and recommend effective ways the school can include and support families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups.

1. Analyze and recommend effective ways the school can actively engage children and families beyond the immediate school environment.

1. Analyze and recommend effective ways the school can develop collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education.

1. Evaluate recommendations based on feedback.

1. Toggle Drawer

Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

. Style and References: The project must be a scholarly piece of work free of grammatical errors with a cover page, APA style, and citations and references.

. Length: The project must be 8-12 pages in length and double-spaced, not including cover page and references.

· Toggle Drawer

Project Grading Criteria
Macrosystem Case Study Application Scoring Guide Grading Rubric

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Analyzes the cultural influences at work in a child’s education. 20% Does not identify the cultural influences at work in a child’s education. Identifies the cultural influences at work in a child’s education. Analyzes the cultural influences at work in a child’s education. Analyzes and synthesizes the cultural influences at work in a child’s education.
Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can include and support families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups. 20% Does not analyze how the school includes and supports families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups. Analyzes how the school includes and supports families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can include and support families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can include and support families, especially those from racial and ethnic minority groups, identifying what’s required to implement these recommendations.
Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can actively engage children and families beyond the immediate school environment. 20% Does not analyze how the school actively engages children and families beyond the immediate school environment. Analyzes how the school actively engages children and families beyond the immediate school environment. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can actively engage children and families beyond the immediate school environment. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can actively engage children and families beyond the immediate school environment, identifying what’s required to implement these recommendations.
Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can develop collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education. 20% Does not analyze how the school develops collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education. Analyzes how the school develops collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can develop collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education. Analyzes and recommends effective ways the school can develop collaborative relationships with other professionals and organizations to ethically improve education, identifying what’s required to implement these recommendations.
Evaluates recommendations based on feedback. 20% Does not describe feedback to recommendations. Describes feedback to recommendations. Evaluates recommendations based on feedback. Evaluates recommendations based on feedback, and describes how recommendations can be modified to take feedback into account.

· Toggle Drawer

Project Components

Project Component Course Grade Weight Unit Due
Macrosystem Case Study 15% 8
Macrosystem Case Study Application 30% 10
Total: 45%  

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