ENGL 133W Textual Analysis Assignment ESSAY

ENGL 133W Textual Analysis Assignment


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Bill Bushnell
Paper #2 Textual Analysis

Why We Write: Essay Prompt #2

Assignment: Write an argumentative essay that asserts [a position backed by evidence] a position dealing
with a topic raised in one of the articles in Cohen’s 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. An assertion has
something to add to the conversation. An assertion can agree with the original authors theme or be opposed
to it (advances the ball, or reverses direction), but it must do more than summarize.
Analyze texts relevant to the course topic.
Write an organized and well-supported argumentative essay related to the course topic by
demonstrating an ability to negotiate complexities and opposing views,
creating a focused thesis that argues a specific point (head of a pin),
having a strategy for paragraph and sentence organization,
supporting opinions with relevant details, direct quotations, and paraphrases from
selected essay.
Utilize the process of college-level academic writing, including exploratory writing, drafting, and
Guidelines: Take advantage of the online and in-class discussions we’ve done these past four weeks. What
articles compelled you to respond? Which ones drove you to comment in class, as an initial discussion post,
or, better yet, outside of class, to a roommate, friend, or family member, perhaps? Find a topic that moves
you. In fact, go back to your discussion posts and build on a favorite post, or possibly a response you made
to someone else’s post. Be sure that your argument is contestable. Develop an antithesis? Is it as
compelling as your thesis? If not, your argument may be too obvious. You are not required to research, but
you will want to provide concrete supports. Anecdotal information may work (write about what you know;
be your own authority). Consider writing an editorial response to one of the essays. Think of me asking
“what else? What else can be written about this essay?” Do NOT parrot another writer’s opinion. Move the
ball forward. Consider the “so what?” or “what else?” critic in your head.
The paper should be 750 words or over three pages. Use Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12-point
font. Double space, indent paragraphs, and do not add extra spaces between paragraphs. Follow the format
in In Conversation: A Writer’s Handbook 30.2 pages 394-401. The name and course data should appear in
the upper-left corner, your name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner. Title pages are not
desired; however, the title should be an effective grabber and reflect the controlling idea. For example,
“Post-Game: An Update to David Zirn’s ‘Pre-Game.’” Do not underline your title. Be sure to document
your sources with a works cited page. At minimum, you should have the single source article from 50
Essays. Like paper #1, you’ll submit a rough draft via dropbox before 5:30 PM, Thursday, 29 JUL. You
will submit the final draft through dropbox by 11:59 PM, Sunday, 31 JUL.
Thursday 5:30 PM, JUL Rough draft due
Sunday 11:59 PM, 31  Final draft

ENGL 133W Textual Analysis Assignment ESSAY

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