Exchange Rates Policy and Leadership in Central Banking Reflection Paper

Exchange Rates Policy and Leadership in Central Banking Reflection Paper


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Exchange Rates Policy and Leadership in Central Banking Reflection Paper

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Reflection paper

The guest speaker is Dr. Sukhdave Singh, the former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara).

He talked about 3 topics:

Sharp Skills:

1)Managing the exchange rate after the Asian Financial Crisis

2)Conducting monetary policy Emerging Market Economies

Smart Skills:


In keeping with the 2-page length of the reflection paper, please write one page on one of the Sharp Skills topics and one page on the Smart Skills topic.

For this Assignment there is no assign reading but I will provide some links that the speaker talked about same topics in different platforms but the ideas are same, so in the citation will not cite the links that I am giving you because we will assume that he said it in the session + we can cite any additional information/data needed to write up the reflection.

I attached some slides he shared with us it could help you in the writing + below you will find some links related to the topics above it could help too.

here is a link about short articles he wrote subject some can be related Sukudhew (Sukhdave) Singh | LinkedIn and you may look online about more details

for the sharp skill please chose “1)Managing the exchange rate after the Asian Financial Crisis” and you can find a lot of what he talked about in link below and you can write it as he said it in the session.

The Ringgit Exchange Rate in A Chart (

for the Smart Skills “Leadership” part he I could not find any helpful source but mainly he was talking about the manner that leaders of central banks should have and no race or religion or background should effect the relationships between the leader and his employees …. ect

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