Formal Report Interview Transcription ESSAY

Formal Report Interview Transcription


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NOTE: the template to use for this assignment is available here. NOTE: the template to use for this assignment is available here.

NOTE: here’s a sample interview transcript to give you a sense of the kinds of questions you might be asking. (Links to an external site.)

In Week 2, you wrote an inquiry email to someone in your desired career field, asking to interview them. Hopefully they responded, so you can now complete the interview! (If by this point, your potential interviewee has refused or did not respond, please let me know ASAP and we can work out a backup interview option.) For this assignment, you’ll be conducting an interview to gain more information about your desired career field, and you’ll be recording your interviewee’s answers, typing them out into a transcript.

When your interviewee responds, reply back to set up a time & format for the interview that would work for both of you. Right now, it makes the most sense to offer either a phone interview, or an email interview (where you would email your list of questions, and they would type out their responses). If both of you feel comfortable and are able to do so, you could choose to meet in person for your interview instead.

Before the interview:

Once you’ve set up the interview, write out your questions. You’re interviewing this person in order to get a better understanding of their job, and you’ll use this information as a source for your Formal Report, which will be the next assignment you’ll complete. Plan on composing at least six interview questions that you’ll ask.

You could ask about:

· why they got interested in this career

· what training or education they needed

· what their day-to-day tasks are

· how they use written communication in their job

· how they use spoken communication in their job

· what are the most valuable skills or knowledge needed for this job

· what they think the hiring outlook is for this career

· as well as any other related question to seek more information about what this job is like, what kind of training/education is needed, and what the future job outlook is for upcoming graduates

Here are more considerations as you write out your interview questions:

· Avoid asking questions for which you already have adequate answers.

· Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

· Avoid asking questions that are too broad.

· Avoid starting the interview with questions that are very narrow.

· Avoid asking leading questions that assume a particular answer and discourage the interviewee from voicing alternative interests/concerns.

During the interview:

If your interview is over the phone or in person, make sure to arrive/call on time. Assume your interviewee is busy, and don’t make them wait.

Make plans to record the interview–or plan on taking very detailed notes, so that afterwards, you can write up a complete transcript of their answer for each question.

If your interview is over email, be sure to send your questions promptly–within 48 hours of setting up the interview is appropriate. Also give them a deadline–by the end of the week, or by next week, or even longer–for when you would need their responses.

Plan that, during the interview, to ask follow-up questions based on your interviewee’s responses. It’s okay to go off-script from your 6 questions, as long as it’s still relevant to what you want to know. If you’re doing an email interview, it’s appropriate to send a follow-up email to ask another question or two, if you’ll find it helpful.

After the interview:

Send a follow-up email within a day or two after the interview to thank them for their time, and to let them know that their responses were helpful.

Transcribe their exact answers to each of the questions (write out their answers just as they said them), and type them into this form. Download Transcribe their exact answers to each of the questions (write out their answers just as they said them), and type them into this form.

Submit this filled-out form for this assignment.

Formal Report Interview Transcription ESSAY

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