Health Disparities and Culturally Competent Care Essay

Health Disparities and Culturally Competent Care


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The number of the question corresponds to the same-numbered
outcome at the beginning of the chapter.
1. What is the leading determinant of a patient’s health?
a. Behavior
b. Family history of disease
c. Home and work environment
d. Type and quality of medical care received
2. In identifying patients at the greatest risk for health disparities, the
nurse would note that
a. patients who live in urban areas have readily available access to
health care services.
b. cultural differences exist in patients’ ability to communicate with
their health care provider.
c. a patient receiving care from a health care provider of a different
culture would have decreased quality of care.
d. men are more likely than women to have their cardiovascular
disease symptoms ignored by their health care provider.

3. Forcing one’s own cultural beliefs and practices on another person
is an example of
a. stereotyping.
b. ethnocentrism.
c. cultural relativity.
d. cultural imposition.
4. Which statement most accurately describes cultural factors that
may affect health?
a. Diabetes and cancer rates differ by cultural/ethnic groups.
b. Most patients find that religious rituals help them during times
of illness.
c. There are limited ethnic variations in physiologic responses to
d. Silence during a nurse-patient interaction usually means that the
patient understands the instructions.

5. When communicating with a patient who speaks a language that
the nurse does not understand, it is important to first attempt to
a. have a family member translate.
b. use a trained medical interpreter.
c. use specific medical terminology so there will be no mistakes.
d. focus on the translation rather than nonverbal communication.
6. As part of the nursing process, cultural assessment is best accomplished by
a. judging the patient’s cultural values based on observations.
b. using a cultural assessment guide as part of the nursing process.
c. seeking guidance from a nurse from the patient’s cultural background.
d. relying on the nurse’s previous experience with patients from
that cultural group.
7. Nurses play an important role in reducing health disparities. One
important mechanism to do this is to
a. discourage use of evidence-based practice guidelines.
b. insist that patients adhere to the Healthy People 2020 guidelines.
c. teach patients to use the Internet to find resources related to
their health.
d. engage in active listening and establish relationships with
patients and families.

8. What is the first step in developing cultural competence?
a. Create opportunities to interact with a variety of cultural groups.
b. Examine the nurse’s own cultural background, values, and
beliefs about health and health care.
c. Learn about a multitude of folk medicines and herbal substances
that different cultures use for self-care.
d. Learn assessment skills for different cultural groups, including
cultural beliefs and practices and physical assessments

Health Disparities and Culturally Competent Care Essay

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