Healthcare Informatics And Health Promotion Essay

Healthcare Informatics And Health Promotion


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Parts 1, 2 and 3 have the same questions, however, you must answer with references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Parts 4, 5 and 6 have the same questions, however, you must answer with references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

APA format

1) Minimum 6 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page

Part 1: minimum 1 page

Part 2: minimum 1 page

Part 3: minimum 1 page

Part 4: minimum 1 page

Part 5: minimum 1 page

Part 6: minimum 1 page

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Don’t write in the first person

Don’t copy and paste the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:


Part 1.doc

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Healthcare informatics

1. Describe when healthcare informatics was created and the historical evolution of its application in current healthcare?

Part 2: Healthcare informatics

1. Describe when healthcare informatics was created and the historical evolution of its application in current healthcare?

Part 3: Healthcare informatics

1. Describe when healthcare informatics was created and the historical evolution of its application in current healthcare?

Part 4: Health Promotion

Healthy People is an initiative of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) that addresses health challenges and set projections every 10 years, with the main purpose of improving health indicators nationwide. Your discussion this week will focus on your topic 2 on the list created for week.

1. Describe the objective or topic 2 ( overweight and obesity )

a. Why is the selected topic important?

2. Would this lead to secondary conditions or complications?

3. What criteria are used to understand risk of developing such conditions or complications?

Part 5: Health Promotion

Healthy People is an initiative of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) that addresses health challenges and set projections every 10 years, with the main purpose of improving health indicators nationwide. Your discussion this week will focus on your topic 2 on the list created for week.

1. Describe the objective or topic 2 ( diabetes )

a. Why is the selected topic important?

2. Would this lead to secondary conditions or complications?

3. What criteria are used to understand risk of developing such conditions or complications?

Part 6: Health Promotion

Healthy People is an initiative of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) that addresses health challenges and set projections every 10 years, with the main purpose of improving health indicators nationwide. Your discussion this week will focus on your topic 2 on the list created for week.

1. Describe the objective or topic 2 (Chronic kidney disease)

a. Why is the selected topic important?

2. Would this lead to secondary conditions or complications?

3. What criteria are used to understand risk of developing such conditions or complications?

Healthcare Informatics And Health Promotion Essay

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