HMLS 408 Infrastructure Of Homeland Security

HMLS 408 Infrastructure Of Homeland Security


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I choose The Department Of Energy

2. Parts I and II are to be submitted as one submission, in the form of a continuous document. Make sure to delineate/identify part I and part II within the paper.

3. Due date remains the same

4. Revised Instructions Part I-You will be completing only these items:

The structure and function of the sector
Your understanding of the vulnerabilities of the sector and the potential threats against it.
This section should be a minimum of 5 pages, APA style, double spaced.

From the Course Syllabus-(for a comparison of the assignment modifications)

Part I (15 points) provide a thorough understanding of the sector that you have chosen. At a minimum, this understanding must include:

HMLS 408 Infrastructure Of Homeland Security

the policies that direct and guide the sector
the structure and function of the sector
the regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures; changes to sector regulation in the post-9/11 era should also be described
your understanding of the vulnerabilities of the sector and the potential threats against it
Part II (15 points): The second part of the paper is to research a historical incident that affected the sector. At a minimum, this research should

Describe the incident and its impact on the sector.
It should also identify lessons from the incident that have implications for infrastructure protection and resiliency.
Finally, based upon all of the analysis, data, and information resulting from your research, discussions, and conclusions, make thoughtful recommendations about how you would propose changes within the sector to increase protection and security. These recommendations could take the form of new policies, regulations, organizations, and strategies. Be creative and bold.

This section should also be a minimum of 5 pages, APA style, no abstract required. The length of the submission is the only change in Part II.


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