Introduction to Terrorism, Essay Example

Cyber-crime is broadly defined as any criminal activity that requires a computer and a network. As such, it can involve spreading viruses to people’s computers, hacking information from these systems, or engaging in online scamming (Interpol). Additional instances of cyber-crime have been popularized by social media platforms and involve cyber-bulling. Individuals that engage in this online practice and contribute to suicide attempts or suicides may be guilty of homicide. Other common crimes include the viewing and distribution of child pornography and child grooming. Overall, there are diverse types of crimes that could be committed over the internet. Some of these crimes result in financial damages that impact the target, some cause emotional harm, and others even contribute to physical damage. All of these crimes, however, occur in “cyberspace”. Therefore, cyber-crimes can occur in forums, on chatrooms, though e-mail, using instant messaging, and more.


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Some cities respond to internet crime by having complaint centers that victims of cyber-crime could use to report the difficulties that they have encountered. However the criminal does not typically live within the jurisdiction of local law enforcement agencies, and often, little could be done as a consequence. As such, these crimes are typically handled on the national level. The National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance (NCFTA) is a specialized FBI agency that is responsible for tracking and resolving cyber-crime (FBI). Furthermore, they help teach best practices to people who use the internet to help them avoid scams. Typically, local and national agencies will only pursue highly damaging incidents. For example, monetary scams of several thousands of dollars would attract the attention of the FBI, as would crimes against children. On the other hand, if an individual was scammed out of a small amount of money, it is likely that the crimes would not receive any attention from law enforcement. Since many internet criminals do not live in the United States, they are typically outside of the scope of law enforcement’s legal jurisdiction. The FBI is also responsible for handling international crimes, which becomes relevant when the law is different where the criminal lives (US Passports & International Travel). Even though they are not violating the laws of their country, they are impacting a citizen in a different country so the government has the ability to seek damages. In most cases, justice must be sought with permission from the criminal’s government.

Unfortunately, there are not specific laws in my state that deal with cyber-crime. However, police actively fight against criminals that harm young children and incur major financial losses. Some examples of cyber-crime include child pornography, phishing to retrieve financial information of targets to withdraw money from their accounts, and cyber-bullying that leads to suicide for the target. Overall, it is challenging to convict a cyber-criminal in each instance. Currently, most law enforcement agencies are equipped only to help individuals that have incurred major damage or to target criminals that have already harmed a large group of people. It is important for the local, state, federal, and international government to determine laws that will help regulate this type of crime across the world. Once this is accomplished, people will be more able to use the internet more safely. It is important for the law to evolve in a manner consistent with the world’s current legal and protection needs.

Works Cited

FBI. The NCFTA. 2011. Web. 7 September 2015.

Interpol. Cybercrime. N.D. Web. 7 September 2015.

US Passports & International Travel. International Financial Scams. N.D. Web. 7 September 2015.

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