Marijuana Legalization Writing Paper Essay

Marijuana Legalization Writing Paper


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Who are the demanders and suppliers in health policies? Describe what motivates each in a political marketplace.


Right now the assignment is the unit 3 outline. I am including the i structions for the unit 3 outline and the unit 4 paper so you can see what it goes to that needs done next week.

Project Outline Due in Unit 3

Write a 350 wordoutline including your introduction and three reference resources to be used. The outline should be detailed to reflect your position in the paper. (see Unit 4 Assignment below)

Assignment Due in Unit 4

Write a 15 pagepaper with bibliography. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Pocket Guide to APA Style to ensure in-text citations and reference list are correct.

In 1972 marijuana was placed in Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act as such the US government considered it to have not accepted medical use in treatment. Currently14 states of the 50 states have enacted protections tocitizens using marijuana for medical purpose. In this assignment, you will consider federal legislation on this important issue. The issue before Congress is whether to continue the federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients and their providers in accordance with the federal Controlled Substance Act or to permit the use of marijuana when recommended by a physician.

Your paper should do the following:

State your position. Your position should take that is opposite to your personal views.
Discuss the context of this legislation – name the expected demanders and suppliers as outlined in our textbook, Chapter 3.
Describe the expected interest groups and therespecific arguments
Describe the expected interplay between demanders and suppliers, interest groups and analyze the public policy environment.
State your strategic policy to enhance or diffuse results of publicpolicy environment.

Marijuana Legalization Writing Paper Essay

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