NURS 6050 The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation Essay

NURS 6050 The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation

NURS 6050 The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation
In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making. A critical component of any policy design is evaluation of the results. How comfortable are you with the thought of becoming involved with such matters?
Some nurses may be hesitant to get involved with policy evaluation. The preference may be to focus on the care and well-being of their patients; some nurses may feel ill-equipped to enter the realm of policy and political activities. However, as you have examined previously, who better to advocate for patients and effective programs and polices than nurses? Already patient advocates in interactions with doctors and leadership, why not with government and regulatory agencies?
In this Discussion, you will reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
To Prepare:
• In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
• Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.
NURS 6050 The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy EvaluationBy Day 6 of Week 9
Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by suggesting additional opportunities or recommendations for overcoming the challenges described by your colleagues.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.
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2 months ago
Faisal Aboul-enein Walden Instructor Manager
RE: Discussion – Week 9
• In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
• Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.

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2 months ago
Solange Yongbang
RE: Discussion – Week 9
Primary opportunities for RNs and APRNs to effectively participate in policy review are through professional associations and the work place. RNs and APRNs belong to a variety of professional organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), Emergency Nurses Association and the American Academy of Nursing. These organizations work as a support system for nurses and they make sure that the policies enforced are beneficial for the nurses.
Secondly, through the workplace RNs and APRNs as professionals have the responsibility and opportunity to influence policies that would enable them promote quality patient care. RNs and APRNs are professionals who can influence policies that would be effective in their work environments.They can provide a written request for a policy to be reevaluated if a policy does not promote quality patient care.
Some challenges that these opportunities may present are RNs and APRNs not being knowledgeable and updated about implemented policies, not being part of any professional organization due to the complexity of registration and lack of unity, initiative and leadership (American Nurses Association, 2010).
A strategy to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities are informing RNs and APRNS in a timely manner about policy changes, nurses need to work together, be united in order for their voices to be heard. Nurses should be provided adequate training to understand their roles, responsibilities and work environment in order to be effective professionals.
Opportunities should be provided for all RNs and APRNs to develop their leadership skills and involving them in the policy review process and professional organizations having a well-defined, simple registration system for nurses to follow when joining professional organizations.
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing’s social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Nursesbooks. org.
Milstead, J.A & Short, N.M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide. (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett learning

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NURS 6050 The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation

2 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 9
Hi Solange,

I enjoyed your post. Unfortunately, every situation may have its shortcomings. A few challenges to health policy evaluation include: lack of resources to complete assessment, lack of comparative results, and social media (Milstead & Short, 2019). Although a lack of resources may be a problem, joining a professional association can give you with a wealth of information for a policy review. Social networking is a fantastic tool to communicate and learn about other people’s perspectives. Professional nursing organizations can use social media to disseminate policy information to their members and followers (Waddell, 2019). Nurses must take an active role in policy development by joining a professional association, using social media, and conducting evidence-based research to better themselves and the communities they serve.
Nurses must use techniques to advocate for and explain policy issues during the review process. It is the “moral and professional obligation of nurses to be engaged in legislation that affects their patients,” according to Brokaw. Researching evidence-based data using reputable and credible databases is one technique for effectively communicating with legislators about policy review. Using current and credible resources will assist you in developing a strong proposal to offer to the legislature. Another way to lobby for policy change is to join a professional organization and network with other RNs/APRNs in your area. Nurses can join professional groups to advocate for themselves and their patients’ well-being, allowing them to better serve their communities (ANA, 2021).

American Nurses Association. (Jan 2021). ANA Enterprise. Retrieved July 25, 2021, from Brokaw, J. (2016, September 26). The nursing profession’s potential impact on policy and politics. American Nurse. Retrieved July 19, 2021, from

Milstead, J.A & Short, N.M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide. (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett learning

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2 months ago
Amanda Blake
RE: Discussion – Week 9
Thank you for your post. Registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses need to stay up to date on current changes in the political environment regarding health care. One of these ways is by being a member of an organization like the American Nurses Association. Organizations like these keep their members up to date regarding healthcare. These organizations are memberships that use the membership fees to support things like lobbyists to help further the organization’s mission(American Nurses Association, n.d.). They also keep members up to date through email, social media, and even some standard mail.

American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Advocacy. ANA. Retrieved October 30, 2021, from

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2 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 9

Thank you for your post. I like how you talked about policies and the association with quality care, as it is important that the policies out in place are directly correlated with quality care. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has defined quality as “the degree to which health care services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” (Seelbach CL, 2021) Nurses and APRN are an important aspect of ensuring the policies are a direct reflection of what the patients need as they are in the frontlines of patient care. As an advocate for patients, it is the responsibility of the nurses to review the policies being brought forth to ensure they reflect an answer to the issues the patients voiced a concern with.


Seelbach CL, B. G. (2021, March 16). Quality Management. Retrieved from StatPearls:

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