NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2 Essay

NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2

NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2


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My name is Lisa Summerlin and I am returning to Walden to continue the life-long learning that comes with being a nurse. I graduated with my BSN in 2018 and took several years to consider where I would see myself in nursing down the road. My position with my employer has evolved several times over the years and I have truly come to appreciate the many avenues nursing can take. So now here in the fall of 2021, I find myself returning to the classroom as an example to my children and to continue my professional growth as a nurse in hopes to combat stigma and societal intolerance of behavioral health disorders across the life-span. I am not sure exactly where I will find myself after completing this degree, however since COVID-19, I have not been able to overlook the emotional and mental impacts on my friends, family, colleagues and patients. This has helped me to recognize that there is so much to be done as a healthcare professional and to help the greater good.
As I read the vision, mission and goals statement provided by the College of Nursing at Walden (Walden University, 2021c), a particular segment of the vision “will transform the provision of nursing services along the continuum of care and across the human life span” resonated with me as this a core value to my own personal vision and path. At the University level, the vision statement reflects on the need for immediate action to address societal needs to support the greater good (Walden, 2021a), creating the foundation for the nursing program to engage with societal improvement from the healthcare perspective. Walden’s mission and goals statements reference the need for critical thinking and professional excellence in order to impact positive social change (Walden, 2021a) which supports the vision of the University into a reality by creating the abstract thought (vision) and developing the processes for execution (mission and goals). These statements as well as the values and social change initiatives align with my own moral compass and professional aspiration to improve behavioral health in society.

The University Learning Outcomes (Walden, 2021c) relate to my professional and academic goals in near perfect alignment as demonstrated in the first and second statements which references using knowledge to facilitate positive social change in all areas of practice. The MSN Learning Outcomes relate to my professional as well as academic goals as they highlight the need for implementation of specialist nursing roles to “promote quality improvement of patient-centered care in accordance with professional practice standards that transform health outcomes for diverse populations.” (Walden, 2021b) which supports my aspiration to become an advanced practice clinician through working at the top of my license and continuing to grow in my education.
In order to be successful in this journey, networking will play an essential role. Having a limited psyciatric specialty in my professional background, I will need to utilize other methods and resources to connect with psyciatric professionals in order to complete my future clinical rotations, identify patient populations at highest risks as well as the underserved populations. I plan on using social media and professional websites and organizations to connect with other professionals during this time.

Walden University. (2021-a). Field Experience: College Of Nursing: College Of Nursing.

Walden University. (2021-b). MSN Learning Outcomes.

Walden University. (2021-c). Vision, Mission, and Goals.

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4 months ago
Clinton Rumley
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Hi Lisa,
I want to start off by saying that you are a rock-star and a great example for your kids! Kudos to you for getting back in the classroom. To me, you are definitely already meeting the program outcome of being a lifelong learner to advance your nursing career! I appreciate your words on the overlooked mental health exacerbations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It feels like everyday nurses, physicians, children, students, and many others are at a war with themselves and others because the pandemic is still occurring. I wish you all the best on your journey to improve mental health for benefit of society. We truly need nurses who are passionate about mental health – the psychosocial assessment is such a key piece that is overlooked on patient physical assessment. Internal and external stressors are more present now that COVID-19 has affected socioeconomic status, housing, the ability to purchase food and medications, and more.
I feel that networking will never be the same after COVID-19. Telehealth is more prominent because of social distancing and I have seen interviews and health care delivered via Zoom or Webex platforms. The digital age is upon us and I feel that having social media, such as a website, LinkedIn or Facebook would be an excellent opportunity for you to find potential preceptors and other nurses who share similar views about health care!
I wish you all the best in your journey through this program!
Clint R.

4 months ago
craig wright
RE: Discussion – Week 1 Response #1
Thank you for your post Lisa.
Yes, I can definitely relate to your journey on recognizing the mental health crisis in this country and the uphill battle we have to combat the stigmatism associated with having a “diagnosis”. For me, working in Flint MI during the water crisis leading into the COVID pandemic these mental health “doughnut holes” became all too evident. “Stigma can lead to discrimination. Discrimination may be obvious and direct, such as someone making a negative remark about your mental illness or your treatment. Or it may be unintentional or subtle, such as someone avoiding you because the person assumes you could be unstable, violent or dangerous due to your mental illness” (, 2017). Walden’s mission and goal statement that you cited “Walden’s mission and goals statements reference the need for critical thinking and professional excellence in order to impact positive social change” (Walden, 2021a), I take as a call to action to mitigate this stigma, educate patients, families and communities, and effect that social change.


Mental Health: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness (2020) Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness – Mayo Clinic
Walden University. (2021-a). Field Experience: College Of Nursing: College Of Nursing.

4 months ago
Iliuva Ramirez
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Hello Lisa
I enjoyed reading your introduction post. First off, congratulations on your graduation and the drive to pursue further studies. It is also remarkable that you are trying to set an example for your children about the importance of education. Learning is a life-long journey, and there is no limit to it as each day we learn something new that in some way improves our lives or personalities. I liked how you outlined your goals and visions and how they align with those of the University. I am confident that you will highly benefit from what the courses have to offer. It is also commendable that you decided to pursue education concerning stigmatization and societal intolerance towards people with behavioral disorders. I agree with you that mental health has been a societal issue that needs to be addressed and given more attention. Many people are battling depression, anxiety, trauma, and other cognitive and behavioral problems, especially now that there is a pandemic and they do not get the support they need (Pike, 2018).
To gain knowledge and skills that will help us make positive changes in our communities, we need to network. Professional networking helps us achieve our professional goals and offer a support system where colleagues and experts can share and learn from one another (Echevarria, 2018). Another way you can use to network is by attending nursing events such as seminars/conferences and other meetings. Here, one can meet various people and peers with vast experiences and knowledge. Through talking, exchange of emails, LinkedIn pages, and business cards, professionals improve themselves and can help their patients in some way with those contacts (Drake, 2017). I have also found elevator pitches to be very useful in networking. They are usually brief and give a complete array of interests, skills, and achievements to draw peers with the same interests (Drake, 2017).
NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2References
Drake, K. (2017). The power of networking. Nursing Management, 48(9), 56.
Echevarria, I. M. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organization. Nursing2020, 48(12), 35-38.
Pike, E. C. (2018). Mental illness stigma. In Sport, mental illness, and sociology. Emerald Publishing Limited.

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NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2

4 months ago
Lisa Summerlin
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Yes! The famous elevator speech! I learned about this in one of my earlier positions as a care coordinator where I had to convince providers and patients to work with me. It was a steep learning curve to go from caring for sedated patients to having to use soft skills to quickly build trust and relationships. Thank you for your reply

4 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 1
I see a fit with your goals and those of Walden. You have chosen a program that will enhance your career success. Thanks for sharing.
Dr. O’Neil
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4 months ago
Lisa Summerlin
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Thank you Dr. O’Neil

4 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Networking: A Road Map to My Professional Goal.
Walden University’s Motto, “Education for Good” (, sums up the Vision, Mission, and Goals of an academic pursuit from the University, and in turn, reflects my prospective personal outcome at the end of this program.
My name is Ngozi M Onwumelu, and I am an Alumnae of this great University. I graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with a focus on acute care. It took me a few years to come back for my Master’s Program due to some critical personal events in my life, which have helped further define my reasons for this program.
I am an immigrant from Nigeria, and a few months before my migration, my father-in-law fell down the stairs and fractured his right hip. With no knowledge of nursing or health care experience, I could do nothing but watch as that great man slowly declined in health and mental wellbeing to his eventual demise. During my Bachelors in Nursing (BSN) program, I lost my mother to a series of complex health issues complicated by the state of health care in my native country. To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement. With the knowledge I had acquired through my few years of nursing, I knew that I could have provided her better care than she got and perhaps given her a chance to say a proper goodbye to her children and loved ones. And so I made up my mind to further my nursing career, not just for my glory or acquisition but for the greater good of society, which comprises multiples “Mothers and Fathers-in-law.”
Walden University sees (the Vision) a community of scholars who, through the practical application of their knowledge to solve present societal problems and transform their immediate communities, are deemed worthy of their degrees. (Walden University. (n.d.), and thereby provides an opportunity (the Mission) for a broad group of career professionals to develop themselves into expert practitioners who can cause a change for the better in the societies they serve (Walden University. (n.d.).
The University put in place specific goals through which it achieves its Vision and Mission, and they include but are not limited to these three: –
• Provision of multi-contextual educational opportunities for career learners.
• Provision of programs through a diverse learning process – all resulting in quality integrity-infused outcomes.
• Graduation of scholars who are agents for positive change as a reflection of their scholarly knowledge. (Walden University. (n.d.).
Walden University’s Masters of Science in Nursing Program (MSN) utilizes its vast array of resources to produce scholar-practitioners who focus their practice on the existing health issues in the society through making a difference in the quality of care patients receive, advancements in technology, and information management, and committing to a life of learning for the betterment of the global community.
As a scholar, my personal and academic goals align with the program outcome of the University. A healthy community is vital to the health of the nation and the world as a whole. Care coordination through prevention of acute diseases and management of chronic ones provides an opportunity for a healthier community and aligns with my goal. My professional goal is to become that scholar-practitioner whose focus is on primary care. With close monitoring of the health status of my patient population through screening and management of health conditions, I can affect a positive change in my immediate community of older adults and geriatric patients. Walden University allows me to attain my academic goal of lifelong learning with the view of translating the knowledge gained through my academic pursuit into professional practice towards providing evidence-based care through the continuum of care for my adult/geriatric population.
The achievement of professional and academic goals involves collaboration with other professionals through networking and the development of professional relationships. According to Stacie Perry in the Laureate Education video, it takes a village to be a nurse. Cashidhe Kowalczyk (Laureate Education video) stated that networking and connecting with other professionals provide students with support and mentorship opportunities and structure to give the feeling of community and not feel alone (Laureate Education Video, 2018). Kyle Schmidt, in his blog on, stated about five benefits of networking, and they include:
• Avenues for finding jobs – a study attributed toYale, and Cornell Universities stated that 70% of most jobs are found through networking.
• Advancement in career through acquired knowledge and experience gained from conferences and professional associations
• Garnering professional references for verification of integrity in professional practice
• Providing a support system for each other in the demanding health care environment.
• A means for influencing change in society by implementing processes and procedures in an organization to provide patient-centered care. (Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons why nurses should engage in professional networking
As I contemplated my specialty for the MSN program, I was conflicted between choosing Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Versus Adult/Geriatric Nurse Practitioner (AGNP). There is a perception in the natural practical world that AGNP finds it challenging to obtain a job, whereas FNP is highly sought after. Professor Fozia Ferozali said that this MSN Program becomes what you make of it (Laureate Education video). With networking, I agree that my professional goal depends on the relationships and collaborations I make now. I am now prepared to establish a network of peers and mentors whose specialty is AGNP who can help and support my professional goals. In this 21st century, networking seems to be the norm, be it social networking or professional networking. With the World Wide Web and internet access, reaching out is now a click away. Professional networking can be done through social media, apps, professional groups (who, by the way, now meet online), and the old-fashioned “Meet and Greet” conferences. Walden university’s Facebook page, its Alumnae group, the nursing associations such as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses ( are but a few of the groups I intend to network with during this period.
Bearing my goals in mind, I will be reaching out and establishing professional relationships with my team of experienced colleagues and mentors as I work my way through this program to ensure that at the end of it, I have acquired not just professional skills but also that I have a network of professional colleagues who will act as mentors, referrals, and support persons as we all work towards the better good of our patients and the communities.
NURS 6630 Discussion Networking Opportunities 2References
Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: The
Journey Begins [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Obtained August 28th , 2021
From Walden University Library databases
Laureate Education. (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing:
Networking and Collaboration [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Obtained August
28th, 2021 from Walden University Library databases (n.d). List of nursing organizations. Retrieved August 30, 2021,
Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking [blog post].
Retrieved August 28, 2021, from
Walden University. (n.d.). Walden Catalog. Retrieved Aug 28, 2021, from
Walden University. (n.d.). College of Nursing. Retrieved August 28, 2021 from

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