NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2 Essay

NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2


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Discussion 1: Learning Online

One of the skills I am using now as a Family Nurse Practitioner is planning. Planning helps me to organize my work for the next day and to achieve the desired goal at the end of my shift. It involves creating and maintaining a plan by using psychological aspects that require actual conceptual professional skills.

As nurses, we strive to give patient-centered care and work in line with the best evidence-based practice to provide health and wellbeing for our patients, profession, and families.   We provide an assessment that gives us an opportunity for subsequent planning that ultimately benefits our patients. This gives an appropriate vision that increases our productivity as health care professionals (Britton, 2017).

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I used these four strategies to plan my day of NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2; first I determine the strategic position, secondly, I prioritize my objectives, thirdly, how the plan is managed and executed, and finally, review and review the plan. By the end of the planning, my mission, vision, and goals are achieved. Also, it is vital to reevaluate your priorities and strategic positions to make sure that you stay on track for success in the long term. Health care professionals need to understand that planning successfully can be overwhelming but it is necessary to strategize the plan to develop a realistic goal or success (Carlson & DelGrosso, 2021).

I believe that using effective technology that I have not tried will be beneficial in my strengths and weaknesses. Effective technology will provide an appropriate plan that is easier, faster, and more efficient in communication. It helps in developing new techniques and providing better productivity and satisfaction to workers in an organization.  Weaknesses in using technology are loneliness and distractions that occur in the workplace. Some of the effective use of technology that nurses use are pagers, bar code scanners for medications, and smartphones for communicating with the doctors; which are all efficient devices use in the hospitals to help facilitate things in the workplace (Ray, 2016).

NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2 References

Britton, H. (2017). What are community nurses experiences of assessing frailty and assisting in planning subsequent interventions? British Journal of Community Nursing22(9), 440–445.

Carlson, M., & DelGrosso, S. (2021). Succession Planning: An Overlooked Business Strategy. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting32(1), 14–19.

Ray, M. M. (2016). Clinical Nurse Specialists Play Key Role in Effective Use of Medical Technology. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology50(2), 129–132.

Discussion 1: Learning Online

Completing courses online can present some challenges. Yet, it is possible—and advisable—to apply the skills you use to be successful at work in this unique learning environment. Consider, for instance, what you have learned throughout your career about the value of careful time management, planning, and effective use of technology. How might these skills help you to accomplish your academic goals while fulfilling responsibilities in other areas of your life?

This Discussion builds upon last week’s introduction to your chosen doctoral degree, and asks you to evaluate the skills that can help you to be a successful online learner.

To prepare for NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2:

  • Review Section 1 in the Essential Guide to Online Learning in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Then review the strategies and tips in the documents linked in this week’s Learning Resources, such as “Technical Tips for Learning at Walden,” “Citing a Discussion Posting in APA Style,” and those presented in the Essential Guide to Online Learning. Look for strategies related to time management, planning, studying, and using technology that you think would contribute to your success as an online learner in each of these areas.
  • Which of these strategies have you employed in the past (academically or professionally)? Of those you have not tried, which do you think would be most valuable? Why do you think so?

By Day 3 of NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

  • Describe one strategy that you have used in the past (academically or professionally) that has empowered you in terms of one or more of the following skill sets: planning, time management, studying, and effective technology use. Explain how this strategy has been advantageous.
  • Evaluate a strategy that you have yet to try but believe would be beneficial given your strengths and weaknesses.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5 of NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2

Respond to at least one of your colleagues, evaluating at least one strategy that is new to you and explaining how and/or why you think it will contribute to your success as an online doctoral student.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Hello Dorathy,

I am impressed by your discussion post concerning making your work as a family nurse practitioner a success. Indeed, due to various complexities involved, an individual must be prudent enough to come up with strategies that will help him/her go around or over the potential barriers (Copanitsanou et al., 2017). As you have stated, planning is one of the most powerful strategies. While some may actively and consciously plan for a days or a week’s activities, other people do plan but unconsciously without giving it much thought (Aasmul et al. 2018). However, the fact remains that everyone usually does some kind of planning. I believe that the process of planning should start as early as possible. For instance, as a Family Nurse Practitioner, the hospital facility requires that the nurse follows a routine in place. Such routines are to help the hospital as a whole to achieve the ultimate goal of ensuring that the patients get the best services for improved patient security and outcomes. Therefore, if a nurse fails to plan his/her day and weeks, then the result could be conflicts with the hospital management and even with the patients.

Thanks to technology and technological advancements, the daily work of a nurse can be made easier and, as you have noted, engage in faster, easier, and more efficient communication. Central to the use of technology should be the aim of improving patient outcomes (Bruce, 2018). One common misconception about using technology in the healthcare setting is that it can replace human resources. The truth is, technology should be used to complement the activities performed in ensuring that the patients get better services and improved patient outcomes (Daly Lynn et al., 2019). One thing I have always loved is to keep learning about the technological trends and how best they can be used in my areas of specialization to make my services better and better. Even though it’s a bit challenging, I believe that with a little more effort, we can afford to stay in front of the queue.


Aasmul, I., Husebo, B. S., Sampson, E. L., & Flo, E. (2018). Advance care planning in nursing homes–improving the communication among patient, family, and staff: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial (COSMOS). Frontiers in psychology9, 2284.

Bruce, J. C. (2018). Nursing in the 21st Century–Challenging its values and roles. Professional Nursing Today22(1), 44-48.

Copanitsanou, P., Fotos, N., & Brokalaki, H. (2017). Effects of work environment on patient and nurse outcomes. British Journal of Nursing26(3), 172-176.

Daly Lynn, J., Rondón-Sulbarán, J., Quinn, E., Ryan, A., McCormack, B., & Martin, S. (2019). A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia. Dementia18(7-8), 2371-2435.

Name: NURS_8000_Week2_Discussion1_Rubric

  Excellent Good Fair Poor


Discussion post minimum requirements:

*The original posting must be completed by Wednesday, Day 3, at 11:59pm MST. Two response postings to two different peer original posts, on two different days, are required by Saturday, Day 6, at 11:59pm MST. Faculty member inquiries require responses, which are not included in the minimum number of posts. Your Discussion Board postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA style for format and grammar as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support the postings with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources as well as resources available through the Walden University online databases. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses exceed the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: Respond to the question being asked or the prompt provided; – Go beyond what is required in some meaningful way (e.g., the post contributes a new dimension, unearths something unanticipated); -Are substantive, reflective, with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings and current credible evidence. – Demonstrate significant ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning -Resources as well as additional resources and has read, viewed, or considered a sampling of colleagues’ postings; -Exceed the minimum requirements for discussion posts*.
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses meet the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: -Respond to the question being asked or the prompt provided; -Are substantive, reflective, with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings and current credible -Demonstrate ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources and has read, viewed, or considered a sampling of colleagues’ postings -Meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*.
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses are minimally responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: – do not clearly address the objectives of the discussion or the question or prompt; and/or -May (lack) lack in depth, reflection, analysis, or synthesis but rely more on anecdotal than scholarly evidence; and/or -Do not adequately demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning -Resources and/or a sampling of colleagues’ postings; and/or has posted by the due date at least in part. – Lack ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Do not meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses are unresponsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: – do not clearly address the objectives of the discussion or the question or prompt; and/or – Lack in substance, reflection, analysis, or synthesis but rely more on anecdotal than scholarly evidence. – Lack ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Do not demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources and/or a sampling of colleagues’ postings; and/or does not meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*.
Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses: -demonstrate in-depth understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations including analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation of topic; – are well supported by pertinent research/evidence from a variety of and multiple peer- reviewed books and journals, where appropriate; -Demonstrate significant mastery and thoughtful/accurate application of content, applicable skills or strategies presented in the course.
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses: -demonstrate understanding and application of the concepts and issues presented in the course, presented with some understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations including analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation of topic; -are supported by research/evidence from peer-reviewed books and journals, where appropriate; and · demonstrate some mastery and application of content, applicable skills, or strategies presented in the course.
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses: – demonstrate minimal understanding of concepts and issues presented in the course, and, although generally accurate, display some omissions and/or errors; –lack support by research/evidence and/or the research/evidence is inappropriate or marginal in quality; and/or lack of analysis, synthesis or evaluation of topic – demonstrate minimal content, skills or strategies presented in the course. ——-Contain numerous errors when using the skills or strategies presented in the course
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses demonstrate: -A lack of understanding of the concepts and issues presented in the course; and/or are inaccurate, contain many omissions and/or errors; and/or are not supported by research/evidence; and/or lack of analysis, synthesis or evaluation of topic -Many critical errors when discussing content, applicable skills or strategies presented in the course.
Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses significantly contribute to the quality of the discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by: -providing Rich and relevant examples; discerning and thought-provoking ideas; and stimulating thoughts and probes; – -demonstrating original thinking, new perspectives, and extensive synthesis of ideas supported by the literature.
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses contribute to the quality of the discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by -providing relevant examples; thought-provoking ideas – Demonstrating synthesis of ideas supported by the literature
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses minimally contribute to the quality of discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by: – providing few and/or irrelevant examples; and/or – providing few if any thought- provoking ideas; and/or -. Information that is restated from the literature with no/little demonstration of critical thinking or synthesis of ideas.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses do not contribute to the quality of interaction/discussion and thinking and learning as they do not: -Provide examples (or examples are irrelevant); and/or -Include interesting thoughts or ideas; and/or – Demonstrate of critical thinking or synthesis of ideas
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses exceed doctoral -level writing expectations. They: · Use grammar and syntax that is clear, concise, and appropriate to doctoral level writing; · Make few if any errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · Use original language and refrain from directly quoting original source materials; -provide correct APA · Are positive, courteous, and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints.
Points Range: 5 (16.67%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses meet doctoral -level writing expectations. They: ·Use grammar and syntax that is clear and appropriate to doctoral level writing; ; · Make a few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · paraphrase but refrain from directly quoting original source materials; Provide correct APA format · Are courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints;.
Points Range: 4 (13.33%) – 4 (13.33%)
Discussion postings and responses are minimally below doctoral-level writing expectations. They: · Make more than occasional errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · Directly quote from original source materials and/or paraphrase rather than use original language; lack correct APA format; and/or · Are less than courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (10%)
Discussion postings and responses are well below doctoral -level writing expectations. They: · Use grammar and syntax that is that is unclear · Make many errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; and –use incorrect APA format · Are discourteous and disrespectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints.
Total Points: 30
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NURS 8000 Discussion 1: Learning Online Week 2 Essay

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