Organizational Behavior And Management Essay

Organizational Behavior And Management


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Explain the significance of motivation in influencing organizational behaviour.
Employ needs and process theories to stimulate employee performance.

Motivational theories seek to explain how employers can garner the most productivity from their workforce. Businesses will try to assess their corporate cultures, and attempt to develop strategies for motivation that will be meaningful. The strategies used may vary from extrinsic (financial, compensation, etc.) to intrinsic (promotion of feelings of self-worth, etc.). As a member of the workforce, it is important for you to understand what motivates you.


Complete the following exercises from the textbook and make note of your key findings. In your self-reflection exercise, you should incorporate your key findings in your critical analysis.
What do you value (page 80 of your textbook)?
Is an enriched job for you (page 199 of your textbook)?
Conduct some research on theories of motivation and how employers try to motivate their workforce.
Write a research paper in which you answer the following
What motivates you?
Which theories of motivation do you think best explain your own motivation?
What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
What is the connection between your value system and motivation?
Would you compromise your value system to reach a professional goal?
What measures do you feel your current or past employer(s) used to motivate their employees? Were they effective?

Your paper should be a maximum of 3 pages double-spaced, 12 point font (not including cover page and references). For papers longer than 3 pages, the additional pages will not be considered in grading.
Your paper should have a well-defined introduction, body and conclusion.
Though a research paper, you are encouraged to include some personal or first person accounts in this exercise.
Your paper must follow APA style format.
Your paper must include a minimum of 2 external academic resources.

Organizational Behavior And Management Essay

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