Planning Nursing Care Assignment Essay

Planning Nursing Care Assignment


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7. The nurse writes an expected-outcome statement in measurable terms. An example is:
1. Patient will be pain free.
2. Patient will have less pain.
3. Patient will take pain medication every 4 hours.
4. Patient will report pain acuity less than 4 on a scale of
0 to 10.
8. A patient has the nursing diagnosis of nausea. The nurse develops a care plan with the following interventions. Which are
examples of collaborative interventions?
1. Provide frequent mouth care.
2. Maintain intravenous (IV) infusion at 100 mL/hr.
3. Administer prochlorperazine (Compazine) via rectal
4. Consult with dietitian on initial foods to offer patient.
5. Control aversive odors or unpleasant visual stimulation
that triggers nausea.
9. A 72-year-old patient has come to the health clinic with symptoms of a productive cough, fever, increased respiratory rate,
and shortness of breath. His respiratory distress increases
when he walks. He lives alone and did not come to the clinic
until his neighbor insisted. He reports not getting his pneumonia vaccine this year. Blood tests show the patient’s oxygen
saturation to be lower than normal. The physician diagnoses
the patient as having pneumonia. Match the priority level with
the nursing diagnoses identified for this patient:
Nursing Diagnoses Priority Level
1. Impaired gas exchange _____ a. Long term
2. Risk for activity intolerance _____ b. Short term
3. Ineffective self-health management _____ c. Intermediate
10. An 82-year-old patient who resides in a nursing home has the
following three nursing diagnoses: risk for fall, impaired physical mobility related to pain, and wandering related to cognitive
impairment. The nursing staff identified several goals of care.
Match the goals on the left with the appropriate outcome statements on the right.
Goals Outcomes
1. Patient will ambulate
independently in 3
days. _____
a. Patient will express fewer
nonverbal signs of
2. Patient will be injury
free for 1 month. _____
b. Patient will follow a set
care routine.
3. Patient will be less
agitated. _____
c. Patient will walk correctly
using a walker.
4. Patient will achieve
pain relief. _____
d. Patient will exit a low bed
without falling.
11. A nurse is preparing for change-of-shift rounds with the nurse
who is assuming care for his patients. Which of the following

statements or actions by the nurse are characteristics of ineffective handoff communication?
1. This patient is anxious about his pain after surgery;
you need to review the information I gave him about how
to use a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump this
2. The nurse refers to the electronic care plan in the electronic health record (EHR) to review interventions for the
patient’s care.
3. During walking rounds the nurse talks about the problem
the patient care technicians created by not ambulating the
4. The nurse gives her patient a pain medication before
report so

Planning Nursing Care Assignment Essay

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