Post-Modernism PowerPoint Presentation

Post-Modernism PowerPoint Presentation


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Construct a chart or PowerPoint which describes, in brief, a defining cultural characteristic of an era (political, social, religious, economic, etc.), lists the major playwrights and/or plays of that era and delineates aspects of the dramatic styles from that era. For example, some periods might use masks as a discernible element of the style of that period. When you describe a period, you should have a visual image in your head. Include the following eras on your chart: Greek; Roman; the Middle Ages; the Renaissance; the Restoration; Neoclassicism; Romanticism; Realism; Naturalism; Symbolism; Expressionism; Theatricalism; Absurdism; Constructivism, and Post-Modernism. There are fifteen categories, with with approximately seven points per category. Use to help you proofread your final document. Remember to put titles in quotes and foreign words (if any) in italics.

Post-Modernism PowerPoint Presentation

You will be graded on both form and content, so make your chart well-organized, easy to read and concise; while containing substantive, correct, and interesting information. For this project, you will create a Powerpoint to create the chart. Make sure that it is easy for the reader to interpret your findings. Include hyperlinks for any online research you have done You should have a bibliography at the end of the chart which shows all of the sites you referenced.. Do not cite Wikipedia. If you cite Wikipedia, you will receive a “0” on this project.

You should provide a heading for each of the fifteen eras mentioned in the assignment. Each heading will have beneath is three subheadings for cultural characteristics, plays and playwrights, and stylistic elements. To repeat, under the subheadings, you will provide a defining cultural characteristic; a list of important plays and/or playwrights; and a mention of what is particular about the dramatic style of the era. (Would you expect an authentic production of Greek tragedy to look like a work by Berthold Brecht? What type of differences might you see?)

I sometimes receive charts which are constructed in a more creative manner. You are free to do so, if it makes completing the project more interesting for you. However you choose to express yourself, please include three pieces of information for each time period under scrutiny: 1) Briefly provide some interesting or pertinent historical context; 2) List the playwrights who were active in the period, or plays which were written; 3) Describe what you would have experienced when attending a performance from the era. The elements of the production constitute its “theatrical style”. The information below depicts information that may be on your chart.

The Theatre of Ancient Greece:

Cultural Context: Important events, situations, activities, etc. Plays or Playwrights: Playwright A, B, C, etc. Play 1, 2, 3, etc. Elements of Styles: Theatre technology, attire, music, architecture, rituals, food, time of year, festivals, etc.

The Theatre of Ancient Rome:

Repeat, as above…

Post-Modernism PowerPoint Presentation

Warning: While most of the periods will be easy for you to investigate, some will prove a bit more challenging. If you find that you are having difficulty with completing your research on one of the topics, make a visit to a library and ask a reference librarian to give you some search tips. Your goal is to create a thumbnail sketch of each era, so that you can easily differentiate between them.

Please follow the word-processing instructions found at the beginning of the course, so that you will no difficulty in uploading your work to the drop box.


Defining cultural characteristic of each era

Lists some of the major playwrights and/or plays of the individual eras ( at least 3)

Give details on the dramatic styles from that era. For example, some periods might use masks as a discernible element of the style of that period ( At least 3 styles per era )

You will be graded on both form and content, so make your chart well-organized, easy to read and concise…In other words make sure your information is correct.

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