Principles Of The Teaching Profession Assessment

Principles Of The Teaching Profession Assessment


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Florida Principles of the Teaching Profession

Code of Ethics

Your Name

Author’s Note: This paper was prepared August 1, 2018 for EEX2010 Introduction to Exceptional Student Education for Dr. Margie Hensler (Use the due date, title of course from syllabus, and professor’s name).


Your abstract is a synopsis of the purpose and major points made in your paper. It should be a succinct overview and approximately one paragraph. You may include applicable key words below. Use the link here to help format your paper correctly, all parts are explained including the abstract. APA Assistance – the Owl

Key words: Code of Ethics, Teacher Ethics

Guidelines for assignment (delete this page after you write your paper)

The Florida Administrative Code (Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida – Code of Ethics) and serves as the guideline for the professional behavior of all teachers. Go to the FDOE website:

Part 1

The goal of part one is to familiarize you with the principles for educators and to be prepared to complete part 2 of the assignment. Type into to the template below.

· Write an introductory paragraph, explain the The Florida Administrative Code (Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida – Code of Ethics) explain the importance of this document why is this necessary for the profession? Who do the codes protect? How should this guide an educator? (use your sources, the FLDOE website, your textbook) According to our text, ethics & law can be viewed as what you can do, must do, and should do. Explain what this means.

· Analyze and explain the Ethical Principles and explain each of the sections of obligations (there are 3), why are these three areas important to the profession?

Part 2

Another goal of this assignment is to understand the specific principles that guide educators. Read each scenario (below), explain what has happened, and then match the scenario to one of the 9 principles under obligation to the student. There is only one principle per scenario, you will use all 9.

Using the written scenarios, listed below, and typing directly into this template in complete sentences:

· Read each scenario

· Explain what happened in each scenario

· Determine which of the 9 principles is violated, or not violated, why, why not, if violated how was it violated, how could the teacher avoid it, write the number and the title of the principle represented

· Be detailed in your explanations, using examples and support for why you matched the principle to the scenario.

· Please draft a paragraph per scenario

· Write and introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph

For example, you may read a scenario describing how a teacher locks student records and notes in a file cabinet every night for safekeeping. Explain what the teacher did, why a teacher would lock student records away, identify the principle upheld or violated (Principle nine – Shall keep in confidence…) and explain how the teacher upheld or violated this principle

· Please have someone proof your paper, I HIGHLY recommend a visit the Writing Center, we have Bachelor in Education students who work there, go and visit them as they are familiar with this content

· Cite your textbook and the Florida Department of Education link, review APA formatting in the content area


Write an introductory paragraph for overall assignment and for part 1

Write part 1 in paragraphs

Write an introductory paragraph for part 2 of assignment

Write paragraphs for scenarios under each scenario

Using the scenarios below, review the scenario and then write a paragraph that includes all the points listed in the directions – please keep scenarios is order. Be sure to include intro paragraph, conclusion paragraph, and references (in text and references page).

1. Mr. Dixon teaches 6th grade science. An assignment is given to finish a lab write up. Glen isn’t paying attention and missed the directions. Glen is high energy and often is restless and interrupts other students. He requests Mr. Dixon repeat the instructions. The class begins tease and to make fun of Glen ridiculing him for not paying attention once again. Mr. Dixon, feeling frustrated because he is asked to repeat the instructions once again, continues passing out materials and ignores Glen and the commotion from the other students.

2. Mrs. Powell is teaching an American History class. She is teaching a unit on political parties and covers the republican party in depth. Other parties have not been introduced or discussed. She schedules a debate for her class, and tells the students they all have to represent the republican party and engage in a debate about which candidate will be the better choice. Many students request that the debate represent all parties. Mrs. Powell denies the request.

3. Mr. Ezekial has a 5th grade class of students on varying levels. Mr. Ezekial differentiates his instruction, provides multiple ways for students to complete an assignment, allows students input into how they would like to provide evidence of their learning.

4. A teacher sees a weapon partially showing in a student’s backpack. The teacher notifies school officials, and a search is conducted. Did the teacher violate the student’s rights (how, why, why not)? Use the following link to help with this one: School Search

5. Click Link for Article

6. Ms. Rhee has been a teacher for 10 plus years. In an effort to help a struggling student, she gives her phone number to the student. The initial texts are seemingly innocent, and inquire about the student’s family and challenges they have faced. The texts from the student have now become more personal in nature.

7. Mrs. Sheba is a veteran teacher. She has been teaching the same lessons to her ninth grade students every year since she began teaching nearly 30 years ago. While standards, practices, and even some information has changed, she continues to teach the same exact lessons year after year. She does not like when the administration suggests new curriculum.

8. Mr. Grimes keeps his classroom keys and his file cabinet keys on a key ring attached to a belt loop. Every day before he leaves, he locks up all student files, notes, and even his school laptop if he doesn’t take it home. He is also careful to never leave his laptop in his car. When Mr. Grimes gets home he complains to friend about a difficult challenging student and identifies the child by name and provides specific details about the student’s academic record.

9. Click link for article

Conclusion Paragraph


Start the reference list on a new page, center the title “References,” and alphabetize the entries. Double-space all entries. Every source cited in the paper should have an entry.

*The best resource to view for APA reference help is the Daytona State Writing Center website


Jones, V. & Jones, L. (2008). Comprehensive classroom management: Creating communities of support

and solving problems. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

May, D., & Potter, L. (Eds.). (2012). Critical issues in classroom management, ethics, law, and safety.

Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

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