Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technology Essay

Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technology

Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technology


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Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technology and describe the value for enhancing communication.
Different Terminology Types Used in Health care Technology
Demand for accessibility, detailed healthcare information, and keeping records in the hospital is on the rise for both the providers and the patients that provide critical information across the care continuum. Terminology in healthcare can be complicated since it can refer to several different things. However, in this electronic database era, healthcare terminology is key to true interoperability between data integration and the system. Healthcare terminology is critical since it helps to facilitate support, consistent reporting, and analytics (Nadarajah et. al., 2020).
Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technologyThere are three different terminologies analyzed in healthcare technology that helps to enhance communication. The first is clinical terminology. This is used between the providers of health to help them quickly express the patients’ health status. They include BP, which stands for blood pressure, DX, which stands for diagnosis. The health professionals require these terms to write down notes regarding the patient’s health and enhance communication between the health team.

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Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technologyProvide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technologySecondly, the next terminology is the healthcare billing terminology. The billing system and other administrators use this terminology to ensure that the hospital is running. The billing system has been using terminology standards for many years, and healthcare systems comply with these standards. This is because people tend to comply where the money is in line. If codes are not sent in the terminology requested with the billing method, the claims fail to get paid. ICD-10 is an example of billing terminology used to classify various diagnoses provided (Jung & Lim, 2018).
Lastly, pharmacy terminology is used by the pharmacy department. It helps to prevent and avoid confusion between scientific names of drugs ad their common names. The pharmacy uses this code to help them order the correct drug without creating chaos and confusion about the type of medicine that has been ordered for the patient

Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technologyReferences
Jung, H., & Lim, S. (2018). Study on the Nomenclature of Acupoints for HEALYHCARE Terminology Standard. The Journal of Korean Medicine; 39(1): 55-62. Published online: March 31, 2018. DOI:
Nadarajah, S., Azim, A., Yilmaz, D. U., & Sibbald, M. (2020). Talking the talk in junior interprofessional education: Is healthcare terminology a barrier r a facilitator? Research Square. DOI:

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Provide three examples of different terminology types used in health care technology Essay

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