Racial Discrimination On The Workplace ESSAY

Racial Discrimination On The Workplace


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Final Persuasive/Argumentative Genre

“Mini Research Paper” Guidelines

This final research paper is the culmination of the different skills you have learned in each genre this semester. It is also designed to help prepare you for future ENG 102 or other research-based classes. With that in mind, this essay should include research that you all will conduct by finding reliable sources on your topics. This essay is persuasive/argumentative in nature, which means that you will be using sources to back up your thesis in order to show your stance, or persuade the reader, on a certain topic.


· To create an effective and persuasive argument, exploring and analyzing both sides of your topic.

· Use writing processes to generate, develop, share, revise, proofread and edit a persuasive essay.

· Produce essay that shows structure, purpose, significant content, and audience awareness.

· Understand and integrate others’ texts into your own writing.

Your purpose for this essay is to persuade your audience to agree with your perspective on an issue that: a) has two clear sides, b) is complex, c) is not too broad, and d) is ACTUALLY an argument worth having. Your goal is to convince a broader or overarching audience that the topic you are arguing applies to more than just who it affects directly and that your position on the subject is beneficial to a wide audience. You will want to have a strong thesis and about 2-3, well-developed and convincing claims for your argument. To be convincing and persuasive to various audiences, your paper should be organized, clear, and direct. That is, you should follow the structure laid out below and consider the following questions:

1. Introduction: Does this clearly introduce my topic and my position? Which audience does this argument apply to primarily? How does it apply to a broad audience? Does my introduction narrow from a broad, attention-grabbing first sentence to a clear, established thesis that supports the claims made throughout my paper?

2. Background: What information does my wider audience need to understand the rhetorical situation of this argument? Are there any terms that need to be defined? What can I better explain to have my audience on the “same page” as me?

3. Lines of Argument: This is where you discuss your 2-3 claims and analyze them in a way that makes them persuasive to your audience. What points do you want to make about this issue affecting your audience? What sound, logical reasons can you present to get your audience to agree with you? Are your points organized and do they flow together? Are you using the “quote sandwich” effectively and is your analysis convincing? Make sure this is your argument + analysis and not a summary of what others are saying!

4. Alternative Argument: It is important to look at the opposite side of the argument in order to make your argument even stronger. Look at 1-2 alternative views that someone might pose in order to persuade your audience to disagree with you. What is the other side of the argument stating? How can you refute these points? Why is your position a good perspective for both the audience being affected and the general audience?

5. Conclusion: This is where you want to look at your argument overall and explain why this position is beneficial to society as a whole and not just one specific audience. What do you want your audience to take away from this persuasion?

This paper needs to accomplish the following:

· Show the reader what you have learned about your topic

· State a clear and concise thesis/hypothesis/pose critical questions

· No more than 1 block quote. Make sure you spend time really analyzing your topic and research.

· Since this is a research paper, use the 3rd person, i.e. none of the following: I, me, you, we, our. You can, however, use ‘one,’ but not excessively. This is a formal paper, so focus on using a mature, academic voice.

· Be 6-7 pages, 6 full pages at least (The references/works cited do NOT count towards the page length), double-spaced with no additional spacing, 12 pt. font, consistent font style throughout, 1-inch margins. If you include subheadings or tables/figures, there should not be additional spacing before or after they appear.

· Include an introduction that should follow the guidelines on page 509, chapter 17 in the Call to Write book to be posted on Blackboard as well as Chapter 11 in From Inquiry to Academic Writing.

o The most important thing to include in the introduction is the THESIS! I should not have to guess what your thesis is; it should be explicitly clear to the reader what you will be researching/attempting to prove in this paper. The introduction should be 1-2 paragraphs at most (typically the first page) Follow the guidelines in Chapter 6 of From Inquiry to Academic Writing.

· Show what sources you used as research in a literature review/methodology section of the paper that should appear after the introduction. You should include 5 reliable and credible sources for this assignment. Make sure that they pass the SIFT test.

o Think about grouping the sources thematically so that the transitions are more seamless when discussing multiple sources in one section. Make sure in this section that you are showing how the sources connect to each other, how they connect to your thesis/methodology, and in some cases, where they fall short.

Are the sources biased toward

Final Argumentative/Persuasive Paper Rubric: ENGL 101
Argumentative/Persuasive Assignment Rubric
(100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-90=D, 59-0=F)
Name: _________________________
Final Research Paper Score (out of 200): _______
Section 1 – Introduction (out of 35): _______
Points are based on:
 Inclusion of your thesis statement/enthymeme/hypothesis/critical questions (10)
 Identifies your specific topic and narrows it down to one issue within that topic (10)
 Provides background/history of your topic by:
o Describing an existing situation, telling an anecdote, raising a question, using
striking facts, defining terms, providing historical background, describing
events, stating common views and giving alternative perspectives,
forecasting your writing (5)
 Identify and explain any complications or problems you see with your topic (5)
 Avoids certain common mistakes such as a purpose statement, repetition of the title,
complex language, or simple dictionary definitions (5)
Section 2 – Review of Literature/Methodology (out of 55): _______
Points are based on:
 Survey of the literature on your topic from sources you have viewed/researched
 Sources that are grouped thematically and/or have transitions between each theme
instead of appearing one after the other (10)
 Paraphrased or direct quoted information from the sources:
o Make sure to discuss and explain each quote after the appear-don’t let the
sources speak for you (i.e. using the “quote sandwich”) (15)
 Correct in-text citations/paraphrase format and proof of transitions (5)
 Description of how all the sources discussed relate to the topic:
o In what ways some of them might differ from each other or in some cases, the
thesis statement/enthymeme/hypothesis (10)
Section 3 – Results/Discussion (out of 55): ________
Points are based on:
 Discussion of your results or findings of your research (15)
 Explanation of all of your results:
o Even those that may have altered your original thesis or hypothesis, as well
as any complications or unexpected results (15)
 Summarizing your data and research as a whole instead of individualizing your
sources (15)
 Inclusion of statistical information:
o Should appear in the results section, along with any tables/figures, or if you
are summarizing what you have learned from your sources is should appear
in a discussion section where you make sure to show the reader what you
have researched and learned about your topic (10)
Section 4 – Conclusion (out of 35): ________
Points are based on:
 Reaffirmation of your argument:
o Create an echo effect by looping back to something in the introduction (5)
 Reach a final judgment or decision about your subject:
o Point out consequences or wider significance, refine the main point in light of
the research presented (5)
 Discuss the implications of your findings (10)
 Offer a directive of where you think your subject is headed in the future:
o Offer a recommendation or solution, consider alternatives, offer a final
judgment (5)
 Last sentence beings the paper to a close and offers a sense of finality on the subject
 Avoids certain common mistakes such as new ideas, the use of “thus, in conclusion,
finally”, leaving the paper open-ended, or questions that raise new issues (5)
Section 5 – Grammar, Style, Format, & Citations (out of 20): _________
Points are based on:
 Correct in-text citations and format (12 pt. font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 6-7
pages) (5)
 Proper:
o Grammar (verb tense, present active voice) and
o Style (unity and coherence, using the language of the discipline, avoidance of
biased language, proper transitions, etc.) (5)
 Correct References/Works Cited/Bibliography section:
o Needs to follow the format of your particular style-guide you are following
exactly. This includes order of references, spacing, format, etc.) (10)
12 hours ago
hopeing to get sooner if possible

Racial Discrimination On The Workplace ESSAY

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