Scope Management Plan Assignment ESSAY

Scope Management Plan Assignment


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This assignment is a part of the ongoing case study project introduced at the start of the course. Complete this portion of the case study using the accompanying outline template provided in Blackboard. The Case Study Project is not a collaborative effort. All assignments should be completed individually.

Based on lecture materials for unit 8 write a scope plan for your project. You will use a template to complete the assignment.

· Use the “Scope Management Plan Outline” template to complete the assignment and submit to Blackboard.

· Writing should be clear, concise, and well organized. Thoughts should be expressed in a logical manner.

· The writing should be free of spelling, grammar errors with excellent sentence / paragraph construction.

· Save your files using the following filename convention:

o ScopeManagementPlan – FirstName_LastName

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric Unit 8: Scope Management Plan Assignment

CRITERIADeficientNeeds ImprovementProficientExemplary
 0 – 15 Points16 – 19 Points20 – 24 Points25 Points
Overview of the


Scope Statement

Scope statement overview requirements areScope Statement is clear and contains most of all theScope Statement is clear and contains most of all theScope Statement is clear and contains all the elements to complete
 missing and does notelements to completeelements to completethe project deliverable
 adequately addressthe projectthe project deliverable.and correct number of
 key points.deliverable but is requirements are
  missing some detail. thorough, detailed and
    addresses all key points.
Work Breakdown StructureMost of the activities required for the scope are missing orSome of the activities required to complete the project scope areIncludes all the activities required to complete the projectIncludes all the activities required to complete the project scope. All
 incomplete.missing. All activitiesscope. Some activitiesactivities are well
  are well defined withare not well defineddefined with correct
  correct namingwith correct namingnaming conventions and
  conventions andconventions andactivities equal tasks
  activities equal tasksactivities equal tasksand tasks ultimately
  and tasks ultimatelyand tasks ultimatelyequals scope.
  equals scope.equals scope. 
Scope PlanScope plan missing core elements of theScope plan contains clear scopeScope plan missing core elements of theScope plan contains clear scope statement,
 scope statement,statement, and notscope statement, WBSand not all activities in
 WBS and controlall activities in WBS,and control sections.WBS, clear control
 sections.clear control mechanism.
Clear and Professional WritingWriting assignment


contains no sense of organization.

Writing assignment


contains a sense of organization. Some

Writing assignment


contains good overall organization. Most

Writing assignment is


well-planned and well- thought out. All

 Paragraphs lack clearparagraphs haveparagraphs have clearparagraphs have clear
 ideas.clear ideas. Containsideas and areideas, are supported
 Contains severalseveral minor errorssupported with somewith examples and have
 errors in grammar,in grammar, spellingexamples. Mostly freesmooth transitions.
 spelling andand punctuation, butof errors in grammar,Free of errors in
 punctuation whichdoes not detract fromspelling andgrammar, spelling and
 detracts from contentcontent of thepunctuation.punctuation.
 of the passage.passage.  

Scope Management Plan Assignment ESSAY

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