Social Science Minority Neighborhoods and Higher Car Insurance Discussion Paper Solution  Essay

Social Science Minority Neighborhoods and Higher Car Insurance Discussion Paper Solution
Order ID 53563633773
Type Essay
Writer Level Masters
Style APA
Sources/References 4
Perfect Number of Pages to Order 5-10 Pages
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Social Science Minority Neighborhoods and Higher Car Insurance Discussion Paper Solution


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I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

In The Color of Law, Rothstein explains ways in which U.S. law has expressly discriminated against African Americans  in housing markets and housing regulation.

With that in mind, address the following : Describe how practices such as those Rothstein describes may generate the outcomes of insurance risk assessment practices described by Angwin et al in “Minority neighborhoods pay higher car insurance than white neighborhoods with the same risk.”

Social Science Minority Neighborhoods and Higher Car Insurance Discussion Paper Solution  Essay

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