Social Work Core Competency Assignment Essay

Social Work Core Competency Assignment


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Social Work Core Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check all that apply

Field Course Assignments –Complete these in the course when assigned.

a- make ethical decisions by applying the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and regulations, models for ethical decision-making, ethical conduct of research, and additional codes of ethics as appropriate to context.

b- use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations.

c-demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior; appearance, and oral, written, and electronic communication.

d-use technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes.

f- use supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior.

Familiarize self with clients’ rights and respect these at all times and adhere tothe NASW Code of Ethics.

__Advocate for those who are incapacitated, incompetent and those who cannot represent their own best interests.

__Discuss personal values in supervision when they conflict with the values of the profession.

__Discuss case scenarios with my supervisor and faculty liaison that require ethical reasoning.

Seek guidance when you experience and ethical dilemma.

__Dress professionally, use appropriate, professional language and behavior.

__Adhere to agency polices about technology and record keeping.

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SOCW 6500 (Field I) Assignments:

Blog entries on supervision, use of self, confidentiality and boundaries.

Process Recording on Values and Ethics

1.For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these expectations and activities will help you gain competence in ethical and professional behavior (be specific).

2.For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop as a professional social worker:

Social Work Core Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check all that apply

Field Course Assignments –Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice

b-make ethical decisions applying the standards of the social work ethical codes

c-tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts

d-apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions

__Interact with those who are different from you based on age, SES, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

__Discuss in supervision and in class the strengths of engaging diversity and the challenges you have when engaging difference.

__Engage in self-refection about personal biases related to client population and discuss with supervisor.

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SOCW 6500 (Field I) Assignments:

Week 7 – Focus on diversity, including a blog post on the diversity represented in your agency and a process recording focused on cultural competency in your agency.

1.For Student: After Reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage diversity and difference in practice (be specific):

2.For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage diversity and difference in practice:

Social Work Core Competency 3- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check all that apply

Field Course Assignments –Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-apply their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels.

b-engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice.

__Identify barriers clients face when accessing services at my agency or at other agencies and discuss during supervision.

__Discuss with supervisor about how social, economic, and environmental factors affect client outcomes.

__Work with instructor/supervisor to engage advocacy for needs and services for clients.

__Become familiar with a local or national organization that advocates for your population.

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SOCW 6500 (Field I) Assignments:

1.For Student: After Reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice (be specific):

2.For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you advance human rights and justice:

Social Work Core Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check all that apply

Field Course Assignments –Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research.

b-apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.

c-use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.

__Research the context and treatment models used by the agency.

__Read current research/literature on best practices with the population you serve. Discuss those articles with your supervisor. (See assignment in SOCW6500)

__Work with your supervisor to create a brief-interview questionnaire that could be used during an intake process with your population. (see assignment in SOCW 6510)

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SOCW 6500 (Field I) Assignment:

Assignment to find 5 research articles for best practices in your agency setting.

SOCW6510 (Field II) Assignment:

Use the articles identified in quarter 1 of Field 6500 to develop a short questionnaire that could be used with your client population during intake

1.For Student: After Reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice (be specific).

2.For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you improve use research in your practice:

Social Work Core Competency Assignment Essay

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